Chapter 22: Exams and Expulsions

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A/N: Cough cough, I am sorry for the late update. I was writing in time when... my period came... I was in too much pain to write for a whole day. But yay it's here now! And it's a long chapter so uh think of it as a double release chapter! More details at the end of the chapter!



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I planned on making it Oden (BECAUSE ODEN NEEDS MORE FAN ART) but HE LOOKS LIKE RAEL WITH ODEN'S COLORS. Give him red hair, two shades lighter skin and golden-brown eyes and you have Rael. Cough cough, pretend that it's Rael. Or Oden, whatever you want.

Okay, I'll stop bothering you now, enjoy!


Crossing my arms, I stared at Weiss.

"I'm sorry." It was short but it conveyed his emotions. Staring at him a little while longer, I sighed.

"I'm sorry too." I averted my gaze. "I realized that you weren't joking." My face heated up.

I was such an idiot. Why did I fall for it?! His acting was atrocious, it was obvious that he meant what he said. I felt embarrassed over how I overreacted. I was a terrible friend.

He looked flustered too as he shook his head. "No, don't apologize. I grew too scared and made the situation worse."

It was silent for a few seconds. I hesitated on what to say. I saw Weiss gaze at me. And then he raised his hand.


I blinked at him. "But don't you—?"

Weiss cracked a smile. "I did like you. But after failing to confess, along with other series of events, I fell out of it."

I raised my hand. "T-then—" I still felt awkward around him. After all, he'd had a crush on me for who knows how long. Weiss rolled his eyes. He laid his arm around my shoulder.

"You don't think I noticed your hesitation?" He said, shaking his head with disappointment.


He began to drag me away. "C'mon, I'll treat you to some ice cream. This time, it's not a date."

I froze.

"That was a date?"

Weiss sighed loudly enough to turn a few heads in our direction.

"Oh, gods."


The tests were here. These past few weeks, every first year was seen reviewing their notes, furiously writing something down, or reading in a trance. My brain hurt from all of the revising but I felt confident. I'd already done these tests in the game, so it couldn't be too different.

But... I wasn't so sure about the spellcasting test. While I'd learned all the spells I wanted to learn, I was scared of messing up, somehow. Because you had to successfully cast five spells.

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