Chapter 1

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"row row row your boat gently down the sea" jay quietly sang as they sailed through the thick fog, his singing wasn't the careless one, rather he added effort to the kids song

Y/n hugged herself as she sat between the two boys, warming herself

Heeseung listened to jay's singing as they sailed

The ride to the other side was indeed quiet

But hey, at least it was comfortable with jay's quiet singing

Slowly falling into deep sleep, y/n slowly leans on jay's back waiting for any objections, hearing nothing but silence she took it as a sign that it was okay, with that she closes her eyes comfortably leaning on his back

heeseung yawns, feeling teary eyed he closes his eyes enjoying the silence

Jay slowly stops humming

Enjoying the silence as well

This went on for an hour

Slowly jay turns around after hearing a soft splash of water from the back thinking it might be heeseung playing with the water

Yet no one

Heeseung was asleep

Deciding to shrug it off, jay looks ahead

Another hour passed by

"now that i think about it.. How did you two meet?" heeseung suddenly asks as they sailed

For a moment the two looks at each other before looking back at heeseung "i was in a store when suddenly jay pops out the tv with a fork" y/n explains, heeseung grew confused before looking at jay "i thought she was a threat so i took a fork with me okay?" jay started to defend himself

Heeseung started to tease the boy when suddenly


The trio immediately looked behind them

It could be just bottles and tin cans..


The trio suddenly yelped almost falling out the water when something bumps on their ride forcefully

"woah!" heeseung yelped as he fell down, his face facing the water since he almost fell in

His eyes widened when his reflection turned into a creature, in pure horror he lets out a scream of horror

Y/n screams as a tentacle suddenly bust through the wooden floor infront of her, jay was about to reach for her when suddenly another tentacle grabbed his wrist

Heeseung immediately pushes himself up landing on the wooden floor back first his eyes widening when he saw jay get dragged off their ride

"HYUNG!" jay shouted before getting fully pulled underwater, heeseung reached out a hand, yet he was left frozen as jay couldn't be seen anymore

Turning his head he watched in horror as the tentacle broke their ride in half, y/n's ride going to another direction due to the strong waved, about to call for her, he was suddenly blown away by a strong wave

Disappearing in the thick fog..

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