chapter 10

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"woah!" heeseung shouted when they rotated and now fell on the ground

Jihyu shook in fear as he gripped on a piece of grass

Heeseung hissed as he felt blood dripping from his cheek, looking down at his wrist he noticed it was full of scratches while his hair was messy and full of leaves

"you alright?" heeseung asked looking at jihyu who nodded shakily

Slowly heeseung stood up, hissing in pain before noticing a well right behind jihyu

Jihyu turned and noticed heeseung walking towards the well with a pebble in his hand

"what are you doing?" he called, slowly standing up walking behind heeseung "checking" he replies before letting the pebbles fall

Slowly it disappeared in the dark

10 seconds they heard nothing

20 seconds

The two boys slowly lean closer

30 seconds


"that's deep" jihyu whispered leaning back, heeseung noticed a rope tied on a tree and was connected somewhere down the well

"i'll pull this" heeseung suddenly said, grabbing the rope "what if something comes out?" jihyu asked in shock

"i don't know? Whack it with your hand or something"

"very helpful"

"may i remind you were still in a painting, so i'm going to suggest that we should do anything we can to get out of here" heeseung reminds with a smile before pulling the rope, jihyu only rolls his eyes before looking back down at the well

After seconds of pulling

They saw something tied to it


"Scissors?" the two boys said as heeseung untied it with the rope

"what the hell is a scissor gonna do?" jihyu complained

"you sure complain a lot for someone who travels silently" heeseung spoke earning a deadly glare

"shut up and don't start with me"

Heeseung laughs

"i'll make you go bald"

Heeseung stopped

There was suddenly faint splashing noises in the well making the two boys look down to it

"you heard that right?" heeseung asked, jihyu nodded, his grip on the scissors tightening

Slowly they leaned down


Heeseung shouted in pain when a black tentacle emerged from the well, he was able to dodge but it still scratched his shoulder, slightly bleeding

Jihyu couldn't move in shock

He stared at the tentacle in horror

He suddenly heard a loud screech from the well


'MOVE!' he thought

He suddenly snapped out when he felt heeseung grab his wrist "we gotta go!" he shouts before pulling jihyu with him

Jihyu started running, flinching when he heard the creature behind, devouring everything that comes in its way

Heeseung payed no mind as he tried to look for the way they came from

Suddenly he saw the way back

But his eyes widened as he saw what was happening through it


Jay choked as he was pinned in the wall

The chimney poker was stabbed in the creature yet the creature continued choking jay

It laughed as it watched jay slowly run out of breath

"screw off" jay managed to say making the creature screech

'what even is this immortal shit' he thought, his vision slowly blurring

He slowly glanced to the side and saw a loose brick

He grunts before lifting his feet and kicking the chimney poker deeper, the creature screeched before suddenly letting go of him making him fall on the ground with a cough

The creature backs away as it pulls the chimney poker out its body, screeching in pain

Jay coughs as he weakly reaches the loose brick, holding it tightly "how about some face smashing, hm?" he hums before charging at the creature


"JUST CUT IT!" heeseung shouted as he looks back in a hurry, the tentacle slowly nearing them

"WHERE DO I-" jihyu shouts in a panic since the scissor couldn't cut the edge

Heeseung looks back at the painting and sees the creature passing by with jay smashing a brick against its face

'damn' he thought but now wasn't the time

He snatches the scissors from jihyu before violently smashing it against the painting, the creature behind them screeching loudly


Jay breathes shakily as he continues smashing the creatures face

One after another

He sure did wreck its face until all thats left was black smudge

"oh.. Dear god.." he whispers in realization as he drops the brick on the lifeless creature

He looks down at his hands that were shaking

"when did i become so... Awesome"

He suddenly flinches when he heard the painting moving

Turning around he saw a scissor..?

It destroyed the painting before a hand suddenly came out

Without wasting a moment jay runs towards the painting and sees heeseung reaching out in a panic

Eyes widening in surprise he immediately pulls the two boys out the painting

Their eyes widening when the painting suddenly dissolved into black liquid

"thank you..." jihyu said breathlessly

Heeseung only looked at jay with a light smile

Suddenly they heard movements in the kitchen



How is this chapter, i actually wrote this in a hurry..😭

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