Bonus Chapter : ...

149 17 17

A/n: I can't say no to all of you *sighs*


The wind blew softly

Y/n sat on the grass while heeseung stood staring at a tombstone

2 years has already passed

Yet.. They still felt like everything happened yesterday..

Dark veins showing on his neck, slowly climbing up his cheek

"jay.. JAY!" about to run to the boy the duo suddenly felt someone hold them both


Heeseung breathed out shakily before looking away, y/n looks up at him "are you alright..?" she whispers softly, he only gave her a nod

Y/n only looks back at the tombstone painfully

Heeseung softly sighs before reaching for his pockets "I..." he starts before placing something on the stone

He refuses to continue his words "I don't want to cry" he chokes on his words "he'll make fun of me" he whispers as he looks away

Y/n only gives him a smile before standing up and rubbing his back

Slowly the two walked away

A sunglasses that helped heeseung left on the tombstone

The two walked silently

"I didn't know you still had those sunglasses" y/n whispers making heeseung chuckle "I was planning on returning it to him once we get out" he replies

Heeseung suddenly stumbled back when a person bumped to him

Heeseung looks up

He froze

So did the girl

They stared at the person in front of them, their eyes wide

Wind suddenly blew

"I'm sorry.." the person in front of them bowed

"it's alright.." heeseung spoke slowly, his voice cracking as his eyes turned glassy

The person started to panic "did i hurt you? I'm so sorry i-"

Heeseung slowly looked down at the persons name tag "its alright, were just still emotional about our friend" y/n replies softly

The person nods before smiling "I apologize, I'll be around when you need help" he assure before continuing on his way

Heeseung looked back at him

Cold wind blowing against them

"I'll see you around as well,-" he whispered



A/n: Reincarnation arc of jay HAHAHAHH

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