chapter 20

207 23 15

Ah.. It hurts

Jay grunts as he walked, his arms around heeseungs shoulder

Jay slowly looked at heeseung "you're really injured" he softly said making heeseung look "i'm good i can take it"

Then why can't i..?

The two suddenly noticed y/n run ahead "yah! Woman where are you going!" heeseung shouted, y/n only continued until she disappeared from their sight

"what's your plan when we get out.." jay suddenly asked

"i actually kinda want a dorm with you two" heeseung replied with a smile "or if girls and boys aren't allowed together then a dorm with you and y/n being next door" he explains

"you?" heeseung retured the question

"go to seoul" he replied "oh? Got someone there?" heeseung asks

"a friend, more like a little brother"

"ahh, what's his name?" heeseung asked

"jungwon.. Yang jungwon"

Heeseung slowly nodded "last time i saw him.. I was 10? I don't know, i promised i'll be back"

Heeseung chuckles "we don't even know how old we are" he says "you're probably 49" jay whispers


Jay started to laugh

"once i find out i'm older i swear i'll run you over with i car and make you say sorry" heeseung spoke

"if you can make me" jay laughs before removing his arms around heeseung shoulder and deciding to walk alone

My arms feel tingly

"how about this, when we get out, we can go visit your friend and have a dorm with him?"

Sounds nice

"i'm sure you two will get along" jay whispered

"guys!" y/n suddenly came back

"wow i thought you were eaten alive" heeseung spoke making jay suppress a laugh while the girl glared

"hurry! The exit!" she hurries, her eyes were excited

"go" jay pushes heeseung forward "I'll be right behind"

Heeseung stares for a moment

"what?" jay raises a brow

With that heeseung nods and runs towards the girl while jay followed behind


Heeseung slowly covered his face when strong wind blows against them

His eyes suddenly widen when


There was light..

He saw the sun..

He slowly smiled

"we're out... We're out! JAY!"

he froze

Y/n eyes widened

Slowly jay looked up at the two, blood dripping from his mouth

Dark veins showing on his neck, slowly climbing up his cheek

"jay.. JAY!" about to run to the boy the duo suddenly felt someone hold them both

There they saw two men with white coats holding them back

"let me go!" heeseung shouted as he looks back at jay in pure panic

Jay slowly saw his vision blur

They're out..

How envying..

he felt his heart rate slowly down as he fell on his knees

Heeseung froze, his vision turning blurry as he felt tears slowly build up

Y/n kept shouting for the boy, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to run to the boy

heeseung choked a cry, his body shook as the men slowly pulled them away

His eyes widened when he saw jay smile at him softly before slowly falling forward

Y/n shouted, her voice cracking as she cried, her body also shaking

Heeseung balled his fist, tears rolling down his cheek

His throat was sore, his voice was cracking, he was drained but he shouted one last time


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