chapter 6

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"a village!"

Jay who was walking ahead exclaimed as he saw a silhouette of small cabins from afar

Y/n wasted no time and jogged up to jay to also get a view

Heeseung was also about to follow when suddenly

He heard movement from behind

He turns

No one..

"Heeseung come on man!" jay hurries making heeseung look back at him "ah.. Yeah i'm right behind" he says, jay doesn't reply and starts to jog towards the village with y/n

Heeseung started walking, feeling uneasy


Heeseung froze when he heard dried leaves getting crushed behind him

He turns

He suddenly froze

He saw a tree right infront of him

Slowly he looked down at its roots

His eyes widened when he saw marks on the ground indicating the tree was dragged towards him

"what the.." he whispers, slowly making his way behind the tree

Yet he saw.. No one

Heeseung only gulps before slowly looking up, he couldn't even see the tip due to the thick fog above them

"heeseung stop messing with the tree"

He suddenly flinched when jay grabbed his shoulder, he only looks at jay with wide eyes

"You haven't seen a tree or what?" jay asks, y/n only stood behind the two "can we run?" heeseung quietly asks

Jay's eyebrows furrowed

He then looks back at the tree

Then back at heeseung

He didn't understand why but he saw the fear on heeseung's face

"can we go hand in hand?" jay adds a joke which heeseung ignored and immediately ran grabbing y/n's wrist while y/n grabbed jay's wrist

So they dragged each other

"woah! What's the matter!" jay shouts in surprise while stumbling

Suddenly the ground rumbled, jay immediately looked back and saw trees rise up

Oh god did he soon realize it was a creature's legs

He immediately gained his balance and started to run, matching heeseung's speed

Y/n didn't bother looking back as she flinched at the sudden loud screech



A person who was in the village looked back in the forest when they heard a loud screech

Slowly they stare at the trees

Their eyes suddenly widen when they saw the trees from afar slightly move as if something was bumping to it

Looking through the fog, their eyes widened in surprise when they saw 3 people appear from the fog

The person stared at them in surprise

Slowly they squinted their eyes


he heard one of them shout

"what..?" the person mumbles



The person suddenly froze whem they saw the creature appear right behind the trio as they ran

The person looked around in panic looking for a place to hide, immediately noticing a hiding place under a cabin

Before hiding the person looks back at the trio pointing at their hiding place


"you two go!" heeseung shouts

"stop sacrificing yourself hee!" jay shouts breathlessly "Well then enjoy being that thing's dinner!" heeseung shouts back

"Y/n let's go!"

Heeseung stared at jay who immediately changed his mind

Jay immediately grabbed y/n's wrist as they entered the village

"tell the person i said hey!" heeseung shouts before running off while jay and y/n rolled under the cabin

Scaring the person

Jay breathlessly lays on the ground, while y/n looks out while she breathed heavily

The person only stares at them in shock before looking back at heeseung who ran to another direction with the creature following behind "is your friend crazy?!" the person whisper shouts

"yes... And he said hey.." jay breathlessly replied

Y/n only looks at the person before giving them a small smile

"jihyu" the boy introduces himself

"y/n" the girl replies

Jay slowly realizes where they were

Laying on a pool of mud and whatever odor it has

"oh my god" jay slowly started gagging while trying his best to fan the odor away

Jihyu laughs before pointing at jay "he's jay" y/n points, jay only nods while gagging


The three suddenly flinched when heeseung peeked under

"did you loose the thing?" jay asks "obviously" heeseung replies before scrunching his nose at the smell "what do you call this deodorant of yours?" he starts making jay glare at him while his brows twitched

Heeseung immediately backed away as the three crawled out

Shirts now color brown

"name's heeseung" he introduces himself

"jihyu" the boy replied back



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The missing ace

Name: Yang Jihyu
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Relatives: unknown
Date of birth: unknown
Reported missing 1yr ago

He was known for his competitive attitude, he is also known in his school as the ace, he always had a gold medal in everything. When his disappearance was announced it suprised many people. Many asked. Why and what happened

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