chapter 14

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"we're just going to die in the end why are we still travelling" jihyu spoke as they were now out of the clothing store

"oh come on you're exaggerating" jay said with a laugh

Heeseung looks at him weirdly "says you"

Jay pushes is sun glasses down as he looks at heeseung "i'm not"

Y/n laughs as she enjoys her comfy black jacket, matched with a white button up shirt and black pants

Heeseung scoffs, he wore a black shirt and black pants, his yellow rain coat unbuttoned

Jay wore a black shirt that had an anime design and ripped jeans he also had sunglasses and a scarf, and since he found hair gel from god knows where he had his hair pushed back

Jihyu wore a white shirt and black pants, he also had a jacket wrapped around his waist

As they continued walking, heeseung only looks around, noticing that the trees were getting lesser and lesser as they climbed up a small hill

They suddenly stopped when they heard movements from behind

Jay slowly places his sunglasses on his hair before lokking around


Heeseung immediately turned his eyes widened when a spider that was a size of a dog pounced on him making him fall back on the ground "heeseung!" jay shouted when suddenly a spider dropped on his shoulder making him scream in fear

Y/ns eyes widened when she saw a spider speeding towards her, jihyu immediately grabbed her by the waist and backed her away, kicking the spider

The girl yelped when a spider dropped right infront of them

Jay immediately grabbed a dead branch as he pinned the spider on the ground before stabbing it again and again

He always despised pests

No wonder he hated heeseung


With another stab the creature falls lifeless, the branch also stabbing the ground when suddenly


Jihyu balances himself while he rips a spiders legs

Y/n fell on the ground with a yelp

While heeseung slams a spider on the ground while holding its legs causing its body to explode

They all yelped and froze when the hill started moving

Y/n slowly realized as they grew higher

This wasn't a hill..

"you must know the future" heeseung shakily said looking at jay

They were on a large spider

Jay suddenly remembered what he said

"you know what would be better.." jay suddenly whispered, the two looked at him hoping for a better suggestion

"riding it"

Jay laughed before suddenly noticing numbers of spiders jump infront of them

The creatures screeches before speeding towards them four

"and i can tell in the future you're going to survive!" jay shouts as he smashes a spiders head, heeseung grunts before laughing "make that a we, you're not dying" he says ripping out a spiders leg and using it to stab the creature

"ah sorry, we" jay corrects himself with a laugh before yelping when a creature pounces on him

Y/ns eyes widened when the large spider screeched

She suddenly lost her balance and almost fell off the creature

She screamed in fear when suddenly she felt both her wrist being held

Opening her eyes she saw heeseung holding his wrist while jihyu held the other

She shakily thank the two before pushing herself back on the ground

The two boys only looked at each other before running to jay

Jay pushed the creature back with his wrist as he groans in disgust

"close your mouth" he heard heeseung, he obeyed and kept his mouth shut, his eyes widened when he saw jihyu grab the spiders body then heeseung grabbed the head, turning it before pulling it out, blood spraying on jays face

Thankfully he had his glasses on

"oh thank gucci" he whispered before standing up and avoiding the creatures

Y/n stabbed a creatures head with a dead branch, making it screech

Heeseung turned to her, his eyes widening when he saw another creature speeding up behind the girl

"y/n-" he was about to shout when a creature jumped towards him making him fall back

Slowly he started to slip off the large spiders body

His hands trying hold on but he continued slipping down

Jihyu immediately reached out a hand and grabbed heeseung

Jay wasted no time and pulled y/n away before the creature could reach her

Heeseung breathed heavily as he looked at jihyu

The boy gave him a blank look

Slowly jihyu looked back at the girl

Then back to heeseung

His heart dropped

Jihyus gaze was cold

"don't worry.. I'll let them know you tried your best" jihyu softly smiled

Heeseung froze as he slipped off

He watched jihyu stare down at him

His body fell numb

He watched him slowly disappear in the fog

The screeches fade away

Slowly he closed his eyes when suddenly


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