Chapter 8

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Slowly heeseung grunts

He slowly pushes himself up, realizing he was inside a forest

He immediately turns, seeing jihyu beside him

"yah!" he shakes the boy, jihyu was about to complain when he suddenly froze "where.. Where are we?" he whispers in fear as he looks around

Heeseung looks back in panic, he sees the hole they came from, in the other side was the cabin they were just in

Were they.. Inside the painting..?

There he saw a scared jay slowly backing away from the painting "jay.. JAY!" heeseung shouted, he immediately ran towards the hole yet it stopped him

As if it was a one sided mirror

He banged as he watched jay run out the living room, fear in his eyes

"jay..." he whispers helplessly

"are we.. Inside the painting?" jihyu whispered in fear as he watched heeseung nod


The two immediately looks ahead once they heard light movements ahead

Jihyu gulps before standing up and dusting himself while heeseung only started walking towards the noise hesitantly



The girl shrieks in fear as she ran through the long kitchen, a man her age following behind with a bloody butcher knife

The girl then turns to a door, entering the room without hesitation, her eyes widened when she saw a butcher knife flying towards her, she wasted no time and slammed the door shut causing a loud bang, due to fear she stumbled back falling in to sacks of dead animals

She immediately covered her lips when she heard banging from the door

No choice, she sunk herself under the sacks, hiding with the cold bodies

She slightly flinched when she heard the door slam open

She couldn't see anything but the bloody sacks all she could do was hope to not be seen

Suddenly silence

She was about to get out of her place when suddenly

"Found you, my lady" the chef whispered


Jay looks around in panic, hearing every floor board creaking


He turns to the kitchen in panic when he notices a tall dark figure standing next to the painting where y/n was in

The creature slowly scratched the painting as it smiled at jay with its sharp teeth

Jay's eyes widened in realization

Breaking the painting..

Means she'll be stuck in there or worse..


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