chapter 17

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Jay sat on a large rock, catching his breath while y/n and jihyu leaned on a tree also taking a break

Jay slowly looks up, his eyes suddenly widening when he saw a pebble slowly floating

Not with the water

But up the air

"i'm not hallucinating" he talks to himself as he watched the pebble float mid air

"there's a flying pebble!" jay suddenly shouted, the pebble suddenly falling

"a flying what?" jihyu asked in confusion "a pebble! Here-" jay looked back but saw the pebble gone making him stop

"you good?" jihyu asked raising a brow, y/n quietly laughed as she watched jay scratch the back of his head in confusion "i saw it, it was floating mid air right infront of me" he said making hand signs, jihyu only looked at him weirdly

"you're hallucinating" jihyu spome shrugging it off making jay sigh and fall back in the water


Heeseung washed his face before standing up

About to continue walking, he suddenly felt his body become light


Looking down he suddenly saw droplets of water from the river slowly rise mid air

His eyes widened when he felt his body slowly float

But once he panicked he stopped floating and was now back at the ground

"i'm not hallucinating" he spoke in panic

Not wanting to experience that once again, he decided to fasten up his pace in walking


Jay slowly dusts his hands as he looks at the word he made out of rocks

Y/n peeked behind him

"you think heeseung is still there" the girl asks looking up at jay "i just feel like he is" jay replied looking at the girl

"what are you two doing?" jihyu called from afar, jay and y/n immediately caught up to the boy


This time he discovered a branded shoe pointing to the dry land once again

"is he slowly stripping or what.." heeseung whispered as he looked over to the dry land to see..


Heeseung looked around

'did they go in the forest?' heeseung thought

About to walk to the forest, a pebble suddenly fell on his head making him grunt and look up

His eyes widened in shock

There floated the rocks jay made

10 min

Heeseung tilted his head in confusion

'10 minutes for what?'

He slowly realized before immediately trying his best to run still following the river


"we've only walked for what 10 minutes and you're tired already?" jihyu complained

Jay rolled his eyes "i need to take a leak" he said running up to a tree, the girl looked away a smile growing as she knew what he was doing

"well hurry up we don't have all day"

"oh please i've been travelling for more than a day" jay says with a scoff

After finishing, jay hesitantly walks towards jihyu, looking back from where they came from

"you sure took your sweet time"

"wait where is my shoe?" jay suddenly looked around

He purposely looked for the shoe he left

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" jihyu complained, losing his patience "fashion is a must! It's not my fault you have no fashion!" jay raised his voice while he continued looking around

Jihyu gritted his teeth while y/n only stood there looking around occasionally


Jay sighs as he stands up

'maybe jihyus right..'

'maybe heeseung is really gone..'

'we just gotta accept it..'

About to turn around he suddenly saw a silhouette from afar

His eyes slowly widened as he grew familiar

"let's go!" jihyu shouted making him flinch "but my shoe!" jay immediately turned around "forget the shoe" jihyu said with a scowl

'Jihyu won't take any excuse anymore.. What am i gonna say..'

Taking a deep breath he suddenly raises his voice "i need to take a shit!"

Jihyu gave him a surprised, annoyed look

Y/n turns away, suppressing a laugh


There was no time to limp when the person who almost killed you was right infront of you



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