chapter 7

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Jihyu coughs as he kicks a door open, dust flying everywhere

The trio then peeks behind the boy "so?" jay asks

Jihyu doesn't respond, too busy fanning the dust away while he entered, heeseung and the others following behind

Y/n only looks around, noticing a painting in the kitchen

While heeseung and jihyu notices another painting in the living room

"i'm guessing you three woke up in the forest?" jihyu started as he and heeseung entered the living room

"no" the boy replied "we sailed here" heeseung finished making the boy look at him "theres another side?"

"the more you know"

"wah this is nice" y/n whispers as she looks at the painting of a male figure cooking

"first time seeing a painting or something?" jay says with a laugh "i just didn't expect to see one here and may i say it still looks nice and clean" she replies with an eyeroll, now that jay thought about it.. The painting did look clean and untouched in a place like this

"where's heeseung..?" she asks, jay only shrugs before pointing out the kitchen "with the jihyu dude" he replies, she nods "maybe they're getting along or something"

"don't touch anything, i know you three are new to this so trust me" jihyu starts as he watches heeseung examine the painting

"this is nothing new to me" heeseung replies "i know what I'm doing" he says under his breath before turning to jihyu

"okay? Just because you watch horror movies doesn't mean you know what to do when something does happen" jihyu spoke back, making heeseung stare at him dumbfounded "your life is on the line here" he continues

"listen here pretty boy, last thing i watched before i woke up in this damned place is barbie and again i know what i'm doing" heeseung says as he crossed his arms, jihyu only eyes his from head to toe

And again heeseung couldn't argue with the boy, he wasn't sure himself if the boy was indeed more experienced than them

"what are you? 2?"

"2 heads taller than you"

Jihyu only stared at heeseung in disbelief before scoffing at his respond

"let me see" jihyu squeezes beside heeseung taking a look at the painting also "what happened to don't touch anything?" heeseung says with an annoying tone of voice

"i'm not touching"

The two suddenly stopped when the painting moved slightly, about to argue once again the painting suddenly blew slught cold wind against them

The two froze

"what the hell?" jihyu whispers

Slowly, heeseung reached out his hand, touching the painting

But instead of feeling the canvas..

His fingers goes through

Jihyu stares at him wide eyes


Two black tentacles appear through the other side of the painting grabbing the two

They had no time to shout for at least a warning when they were forcefully pulled inside

The painting now falling on the ground

Jay and y/n turned when they heard a loud thud

Y/n slowly turned away from the painting, while jay only peeked out the kitchen door, noticing the living room now dead silent

Slowly jay walks out the kitchen to the living room

There he saw the painting on the ground

Slowly he shrugged, deciding the two boys moved to a new room he picks up the painting, hanging it up once again

He suddenly froze

He stared at the painting

He slowly backed away in fear

There in the painting he saw a well

But what he feared the most was..

He saw two boys inside

The two boys peeked inside the well

Suddenly the lights flickered and the painting changed

"HEESEUNG!" jay shouted as he ran out the living room in fear

The painting showed a black tentacle burst out the well, one of the tentacle stabbed on a boy's shoulder

Once jay ran back to the kitchen, his eyes widened, his breath hitched

The painting in the kitchen was swinging left to right lightly

Inside the painting showed a bloody chef cooking while a bloody body covered with white cloth hung behind the chef

The lights continued flickering

Jay was too occupied to hear the growling above him

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