Chapter 11

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Y/n screamed in fear as the chef grabbed her by the foot and dragged her

"let go!" she shouts in fear but the chef only gave her a laugh before grabbing her shirt and pulling her close "i've got people to serve so let's not make things harder" the man whispers tighly, the girl shakily shook her head before grabbing the man by the shoulder and kneeing him to the stomach

"gah!" the man groans letting her go, she took the opportunity and ran away not looking back at the man who shouted for her

Panicking, the girl runs to a large door

And there, she froze

Numbers of people that were seated suddenly looked at her


"i'm going in"

"are you crazy?!"


Jihyu looks at heeseung in disbelief "you are unbelievable" he says "judging by how you saved them earlier you might as well die before she gets out!" jihyu raises his voice "who says i'll kill myself!"

"one of you get in there before i roundhouse your asses!" jay shouted

"i don't really say leave it to the professionals but.. Leave it to the professionals" heeseung whispered tightly before pushing himself in the painting

The lights suddenly flickered, jihyu only clicked his tongue in annoyance

"don't mind him, he's a spoiled brat, does what he wants, gets what he wants" jay spoke as he sat on a wooden chair "i wonder how you keep up with with him" jihyu replied

"i guess i just can, though there are times i just wanna slam his against the wall so he realizes how stupid he can be sometimes."


Slipping into a new world heeseung finds himself in a kitchen

Looking to the side he notices foods being cooked and water boiling

He suddenly flinched when he heard a loud groan of pain outside the kitchen "y/n" he whispered immediately running to the exit

There he suddenly saw a chef on the ground clutching his stomach in pain

His eyes grew wide

The chef...

That was the chef on the boat..

That tried to kill him

The chef slowly turned to him, a smile growing on his face

"lee heeseung" he spoke "speak of the devil" the man started to laugh as he stood up

Heeseung gulped as he backed away

"judging by how you saved them earlier you might as well die before she gets out!"

Looking to the side heeseung sees a small vase with a dead plant "for someone who's stuck in a painting you sure seem to know me" heeseung replies the man only laughs before charging at heeseung

Grabbing the vase immediately, he swings his arms smashing the vase against the chefs face making him cry in pain backing away

He stares at the chef for a moment before..

Slowly smiling

His eyes slowly filled with rage

Just how bad did the chefs in the boat treated heeseung?

Almost chopped him alive.

Wasting no time, heeseung grabs the dead plant, noticing its end was hard enough to poke an eye he charges at the chef

Maybe this will be his sweet revenge for the chefs, well.. Taking your anger out on other people is bad but, hey this chef is the same as the others..


'why not' heeseung thought

"what did the chefs told me on the boat?" he grunt as he clings on the chefs back, wrapping his arms around the mans neck forcing the chef to look up "an eye ball brings out the flavor in the soup? How about we try that, hm?" he hums as he slams the dead plant on the chefs eye, blood spraying out slightly staining heeseungs face

The chef screams in pain as he slams his back on the wall, also slamming heeseung who only gives out a pained laugh

"you like that?" he laughs with a hint of pain as he chokes the chef

Man.. When did he get this brave and strong

Last time he remembered he's only the brains of the group

Even jay improved

He couldn't even hold a shotgun properly and now there he was casually smashing a creatures face non stop

Slowly the chef fell on the ground, lifeless

Heeseung only took a moment to process before looking back at a large door after hearing utensils break and tables crash

"y/n!" he shouted running towards the door


The lights suddenly flicked

Jay only looked back at the painting before his eyes widened

Jihyu noticed his expression and looked at the painting

The painting was nothing but a..

Clean kitchen, no chefs, no bloody sack..

Just a clean kitchen


Holding a knife he took from the kitchen, heeseung slams the dining room door open

Y/n held a fork, she was stained with blood, her body shook in fear as she stood in a corner

Two tables protecting her while lifeless bodies lies infront the tables

Heeseung froze in shock

And there he was proud he killed one chef

"y/n!" he shouts before running towards the girl who was still processing things "are you alright?!" he panics holding the girl on the wrist while he softly holds her chin turning her face to see if she was wounded

Slowly the girl nodded, letting go of the fork she held

In a blink the girl suddenly pulls heeseung in a tight hug, catching the boy off guard

"i'm scared.." she whispered, her voice was shaky, her breathing was uneven, her grip on his shirt tightening as her eyes slowly started to water

"you're alright.." heeseung slowly spoke "you're with me"


I made y/n the quiet soft type of character since we have two chaotic men so like.. Why not have a quiet one

i hope i don't annoy you guys with her character she's just inexperienced with this-

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