chapter 13

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After wandering around the small village

Here they were

Inside a clothing store

"look at all the options!" jay laughs like a maniac as he looks at all the different clean clothes

"so much to choose from and you choose to stay in your dirty rain coat?" jihyu scoffs as he looks at heeseung "last time i checked i never judged how you dress" heeseung replies

Y/n only walks towards a vending machine, kicking it causing a bag of chips to fall

"look! Look!"

Jihyu rolls his eyes, boy was jay noisy while showing off his thick fur coat

"where the hell did you get that?" heeseung looked at him in confusion "get me one!" he adds before running after jay who ran to the back to get more

Y/n only opens the bag of chips before taking a bite

And of course it was rock hard

Disappointed but not surprised, she let's it fall on the ground before walking towards the women's clothing section


Y/n slowly looked at the reception, nothing there

Jihyu who also heard a faint rumble, stood up and looked around


A wall broke and there they saw heeseung being thrown out, his back hitting the reception desk

"holy shit!" jay curses from the back before a creature suddenly pounces on him

"heeseung!" y/n calls running towards heeseung who groans in pain, blood dripping from his mouth "jay" he coughs "help jay!"

Y/n and jihyu immediately runs to the back and sees jay on the ground, holding a fur coat against a creatures face stopping it from biting him

His eyes widened when the coat started to rip, the creature growled, its sharp teeth showing

Jihyu immediately grabs a hanger and jumps on top of the creature stabbing it on the back

The creature screeches, standing up, jihyus eyes widened as he fell back on the ground, the creature looking back at him

Jihyu slowly crawled back

Wasting no time y/n grabs a metal stick where clothes are hanged up, she points before throwing with all her strength

Just like a dart

Jihyu froze when the metal stick stabbed the creature right at the head

Black liquid spraying out staining jihyu as he watched the creature fall on the ground

'damn' heeseung thought as he sat on the ground breathing heavily

"thank you.." jihyu whispered earning a nod from the girl

Jay only fell back on the ground, groaning in annoyance as he looked at the ripped fur coat "damn it i liked this one!" he complains like a kid

Y/n leaned on the wall before deciding to look back at heeseung who was sitting on a wooden stool

He was leaning forward while he looked down, his elbows resting on his knees

'i just wanted to pick some clothes, not become a ragdoll' he thought as he sighed tiredly

"you should wear this.." y/n whispered handing a black shirt to heeseung who slowly looked up at her

Noticing blood slowly dripping from his forehead, the girl grabs another shirt and wipes the blood away silently

Heeseung only stared at her "thank you" he mumbles as he turns his gaze away

"Oooh love, Oooh lover boyy~" jay suddenly sang as he walked pass the two, earning a glare from heeseung

"go to hell"

"i'll see you there!"

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