chapter 16

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The trio slowly held on the tall tree as they left the large spiders body since it decided to turn away from the light

After climbing down the tree they ended up falling on a river

"aw man my shoes" jay pouts, jihyu looks at him weirdly as if getting dirty wasn't expected

"i prioritize my fashion okay? So if ever rescuers come get me i'll look good" jay replies, y/n laugh a bit while jihyu rolled his eyes

'weirdo' he thought

Y/n slowly leaned down and washed her face

Jihyu slowly turned his back and started walking ahead, the girl stood up and followed behind

Jihyu then noticed jay not following

He looks back and saw jay placing a rock on a dry surface

"what are you doing? There's no time to build or whatever your playing" jihyu spoke, jay looked up and laughed "sorry!" he said before catching up behind, jihyu noticed his scarf and sunglasses missing but he thought he probably left those on the creature before they continued walking ahead

Jihyu slowly looked back at the girl who silently followed beside jay who tried cheering her up

"you'll be alright! you know he won't allow himself to die" jay spoke, his hand rubbing her back

"you're alright.." heeseung slowly spoke "you're with me"

The girl suddenly started sniffling, jay suddenly panicked

"h-hey! Don't cry! I'm sure he'll be here!" jay said in a panic as he waved his hands "you have me! I may not be like him but i can guarantee that you're safe with me"

"you made her cry" jihyu butted in making jay glare "and you're not helping" he tightly replied


20 minutes of walking

Slowly heeseung fell on the water, sitting down while catching his breath

He looks down, his hands gripping the rocks tightly as he felt his eyes water

There was no denying he was in deep pain

He didn't know where to go

Yes, he always lead the way when with the two

But without them he just felt..


Warm tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, as he breathes heavily

Slowly he looks forward and


He notices a scarf a few meters away from him

Slowly wiping away his tears, he stands up and walks toward the scarf

The scarf lays there in the water it was stretched pointing to a direction, following where it pointed

It pointed to a sunglasses

Heeseungs eyes widened


The sunglasses pointed to a dry surface

Making his way towards land he saw two words made out of rocks

Follow river

Immediately heeseung looks ahead as strong wind blows to the direction ahead



Jay turns, strong wind blowing against him

"you okay?" y/n asked making jay looke

He nodded before continuing to follow jihyu

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