chapter 9

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Heeseung ran his hand through his hair as he walked through the forest, jihyu following behind

"you're a silent adventurer" heeseung suddenly spoke, used to chat while travelling

"you're talkative" jihyu replied bitterly, used to travelling silently

"everyone who travels are talkative" heeseung replies

"i beg to differ"

"then beg"

Jihyu rolled his eyes in annoyance

"i cannot imagine how y/n can keep up with you" he whispers "she just does" heeseung replied

"you must be a bother to her"

"damn it's not my fault no one can keep up with your boring grumpy attitude"

"i am not boring" jihyu scowls

"sure, and the sky is blue" heeseung replies sarcastically

"at least i don't watch barbie"

"you're going too far!"

Suddenly the ground shook, the two boys immediately froze in place

"what-" jihyu was immediately cut off when they felt themselves rotating

There they realized

They were sideways

A scream of fear immediately left their lips as they started falling

(i really don't know how to describe it so this is how it looks like)

(i really don't know how to describe it so this is how it looks like)

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(this looks so stupid-)

Heeseung grunted as branches hit him,  wounding him, jihyu covers his face with his wrist as he started to panic

Immediately heeseung reached out a hand grabbing jihyu by his wrist while the other tried reached for a tree to hold on to

"godda-" heeseung shouted in frustration before leaves suddenly shoved in his mouth from the trees


"shit! Just die!" jay shouts in frustration and in pain as he holds a coat stand against the black creatures neck while he clings on its back, blood dripping from his head down to his forehead

The creature screeched as it continued biting on a painting holding it sideways

The creature suddenly growled, a hand growing on its shoulder

"you've got to be kidding me!"

The hand immediately grabbed jay by the shirt and threw him towards a chimney, his back hitting the hard blocks

"gah!" jay choked, blood dripping from his mouth as he falls in the chimney, covering himself with dust

The creature growls before letting go of the painting

It would be better to get rid of the burden before continuing to devour the painting would it?

Jay breathed heavily as he stared at the creature walking towards him

"you're getting on my nerves" he whispers, wiping the blood from the side of his lips away, before grabbing a chimney poker

"my friends are counting on me" jay slowly stands up ignoring his sore back

He tightens his grip on the metal stick

"so let me show off a little"

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