Chapter 3

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"jay wake up! Do you need cpr from me?!"

"heeseung what the hell?"

Slowly jay opened his eyes

He grunted due to his sore body, but he gathered all his power to speak weakly

"screw off"

Heeseung started to laugh before laying back on the ground in relief

Slowly jay sat down the ground, carefully looking at his wounded wrist "you alright?" y/n quietly asks as she notices it too, jay only nods before giving her a soft smile saying he'll be alright


Slowly walking through the forest, they still felt uneasy

Because first of all

The forest was quiet.. Too quiet

Jay busied himself by wrapping his wound with a broken cloth from his shirt

Heeseung sighed "can we take a break?" y/n asked as she felt her feet sore, the two boys nodded and found a spot to rest for a moment

"is your wrist alright?" heeseung asked as he watched jay gather sticks and start a small fire

"it's fine" jay replied, a small smile growing on his face as he successfully made a fire for them "where did you learn that?" y/n asks in amazement, "self taught" jay replies with a proud smile

Heeseung scoffs, not buying it "oh yeah? I learned how to start a fire at the age of 10" he suddenly says

"how about travel around the world?" jay suddenly interferes "for what?"

"so we can find out who asked"

Heeseung was ready to beat the boy up but stopped when they heard a sound of electricity behidn the bushes

Since it sounded harmless, the trio decided to check it out

Only to see a tv

Y/n and heeseung immediately turned to jay



A tv that was hanging on a tree slowly lit up

Showing a silhouette

Slowly two hands came out the tv, holding on to the side as it pulled itself out

Revealing it was jay slowly coming out another tv

He breathed heavily as he looked around, noticing the tv was hanging, he decided to keep half of his body inside the tv

His eyes widened as he looks down, there he saw spiders that was the same size as them, it was wandering, looking for its prey

Carefully he was about to go back when he saw..


He saw a person hiding in a bush as it moved, cautious about the creature

There's someone still alive...

He slowly pushed himself back inside the tv



the two flinched when jay suddenly jumped out the tv "what the hell jay you're going to give us a heart attack!" heeseung complains holding his chest dramatically "i don't care, i saw a person!" he informs in a hurry

"how many?!" to surprised, heeseung asks

"10 PERSON heeseung, i saw 10 PERSON!"


A/n : how is it? :')

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