chapter 21

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Lights suddenly turned on

"name..?" one man suddenly asked leaning forward, resting his hands on the metal desk that separated him and heeseung

But the boy stayed silent, only staring at his hands

He was inside a small room, or so people call it interrogation room

"lee heeseung" the man suddenly called as he looked at a white sheet of paper

"i deeply apologize for your lost, but if you don't start speaking nothing will happen and no one will leave this room"

"you were last seen 13 years ago, you were 10 at that time" the man says as he continues reading the paper

'that makes me 23..'  he thought

"you're probably 49" jay whispers


Jay started to laugh

His hands slowly balls into a fist as he felt his eyes growing warmer once again

"explain what's going on then i'll talk."

"this city was left hundred of years ago since as you can see it is full of creatures" the man started "and our president wanted to bring back this city once again, no one volunteered to check out the city, so the president chose"

"and he decided to choose the kids"

"to be specific the ones who had no value or the poor ones"

"and now i'm asking, is it possible to revive that city?"

Heeseung stayed silent for a moment

"no.." he whispered "it's a living hell in there" he add, his voice falling quiet

The man nods before leaning back

"what do we get from this" heeseung suddenly asked

"we provide you the money you need-"

"i refuse"


"i want my friend back"

The man sighs "we can't, it's too late once that poison reaches your head you're dead"

Heeseung looks away, his lips quivering as he shakily takes a deep breath

He was physically and mentally tired

He just wanted to lay in the dark and not be disturbed

If only..


Jay shouted in pain as he covered heeseung

If only he didn't cover him..

Jay would've been the one out here running to his friends arms


Why is it so unfair..

"what was that for?!" jay whisper-shouted "why would you creep up on me like that! One day you'll kill me due to a heart attack!" heeseung scolded smacking jay on the head

"what are you 60?"


"hey heeseung you should sleep there" jay suggested "if i do you'll leave me and i'll die then?" heeseung said as he looked around noticing more mannequins inside

"exactly" jay replied


"i swear if this is rock hard i'm crying" jay speaks as he grabs a bag of chips from a vending machine

To his dismay it was rock hard

Jay whines, annoyed that he couldn't eat a chip peacefully

Heeseung laughs "go cry about it"


Heeseung felt his eyes water

Happy endings exist..

It was just never made for him

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