chapter 5

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Soon they ended up seeing a fence

Realizing there was no way around it, they decided to climb up to get to the other side

"okay but what if it's much more dangerous here?" jay suddenly said as he sat on the fence waiting for the other two "we can't just stay here" heeseung replies climbing up the fence as well,  jay shrugged before reaching out a hand, helping y/n to climb up "besides its quiet this side, maybe it's peaceful there" heeseung adds before him and jay jumped down the other side with y/n

Suddenly a loud screech from afar was heard

"oh yeah hee, definitely safer" jay teases making heeseung roll his eyes

"oh yeah keep rolling them you might find your brain back there if you have one"


Y/n only looks back at the fence while the two continued arguing only to notice a broken sign

Cursed forest beware
-Do not climb to the other side for fear is what it shows

"y/n come on" turning around she saw the two boys ready to go

Y/n nodded deciding to tell the boys about the sign later


Continuing their walk, they took notice that the fog was slowly getting thinner

"ack, what's that smell" heeseung groaned in disgust covering his nose, y/n slowly pulled her shirt up to cover her nose while jay tried fanning the smell away with his hand, slowly jay looked at heeseung "Got a problem?!" heeseung whisper shouts "woah there bulldog i'm not even saying anything!" jay whisper shouts making y/n quietly laugh

Suddenly they all froze when they stepped on something sticky

Looking down slowly they see red sticky substance

Heeseung froze

Jay's eyes widened

Y/n was in shock

"what the hell.." heeseung whispered as the three of them backed away, red sticky substance sticking on their feet

Jay started gagging before covering his nose with his shirt

It smells rotten and disgusting

It made their stomach twist

The ground suddenly shook, the three froze on their spot

Slowly jay looked beside him, his eyes widened

A tree slowly lifted itself up


It was.. Legs?

It was brown, thinner than a tree

His last breath left his mouth and due to being terrified he failed to breath in once again

Heeseung saw the same but beside him this time

The thin fogs slowly disappeared

Y/n slowly looked up and to her horror she saw a body of a spider much bigger than them, 8 of its legs were camouflage with the tree

Slowly it moved forward

Its feet crushing everything as it moved forward

Breathing heavily she holds on heeseung's wrist tightly, the three only stood on their place watching the large spider slowly move away above them

"should we be walking right under it.." heeseung slowly suggest, the three immediately nodded as they walked right under it

"you know what would be better.." jay suddenly whispered, the two looked at him hoping for a better suggestion

"riding it"

The two stared at him blankly as they walked cautiously

"no? Okay"

"what is wrong with you?" heeseung scolded jay


Slowly they made their stop, the creature turning to another direction while the trio continued walking straight

The creature was too tall to see them anyways

"before we climbed up the fence.. Did any of you experienced something weird..?" y/n slowly started as they cautiously walked through the forest

The two boys fell silent for a good minute

"yeah.." heeseung then spoke, the two looked at him "i saw, i heard, it felt real.. The boat" heeseung hesitantly says "i felt nothing but fear" he finishes not bothering to look at the two as he only kept his gaze ahead

Y/n slowly looks at jay "when i tripped.. I just opened my eyes and i was underwater like earlier.." he says his voice slowly fading

"i think i understand.." y/n whispers "i saw a sign earlier on the fence" she says, the two boys looking at her curiously

"it was a warning about the forest.. It said something like.. The forest shows fears" she finishes, the two boys couldn't help but realize

Jay was indeed still afraid of his experience of almost drowning

While heeseung.. Still feared the boat

"makes sense.." jay whispers "what about you?" he suddenly asks the girl

"me..?" she points at herself "i don't understand but.. Nothing happened, you just both disappeared"

The two looked at each other in realization

Turns out she was afraid to lose them

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