chapter 15

175 21 5

Slowly he stood up as he looks back at jay who threw the last creature away

Jihyu had a terrified expression

"are you alright?" y/n quietly asks before looking around "... Where's heeseung?"

With that question jay immediately looked around in panic

"he.. Fell.." jihyu replied, his voice fell quieter, his hands shook

"what.." the duo froze

"he saved me and he.. Fell.. I tried to save him.." jihyu shakily replied, jay slowly fell on his feet, he couldn't process what he heard, his hand shakily ran through his hair, his breathing uneven

Heeseung? No.. He wouldn't.. In fact death might even be the one afraid of him for the amount of times he almost died but survived

Y/n was frozen on the spot

Jihyu didn't exactly say he died?.. So he'll live.. Right?

He'll be alright.. Right?



Heeseung limped as he tried his best to run

"hah.. Hah.." heeseung breathed heavily as he held his bleeding shoulder

The expensive looking shoes jay gave him now soaked as he ran through a river

His vision slowly blurring as he kept running

He was thankful there were no predators waiting for him when he fell, and he was also kind of thankful for the branch for catching him even tho it wounded him real bad

About to take another step, his breath hitched as he felt himself falling forward


He was so.. Tired..

Falling on the river, he felt his eyelids slowly give up

Blood slowly mixed with the water as he lays there still


He heard a faint call from far ahead

'huh..?' he tiredly thought

"heeseung!!!" jay shouted, his throat falling sore, jihyu only looked at the two "no one can survive a fall like that" jihyu whispers

Jay hesitantly stopped, his hands balling into a fist

Y/n slowly looked ahead her eyes widening, slowly she tugged on jihyus sleeves making him look

"look" she pointed ahead

Jays eyes grew wide

Far ahead..

There was light...

The dark clouds weren't there..

Was that their exit..?

Jihyu slowly smiled

But the duo couldn't stay put


Where was he.

"i'm really sorry for your loss.." jihyu started making the two look "we all know he did his best.."

"no he didn't! Cause if he did he would be here!" jay raised his voice "i knew that dumbass would die one day if he keeps risking his life" he whispered as he sat back down, his voice shaky

The girl sat beside him rubbing his shoulder softly



Heeseung suddenly looked up, he realized he was sitting in the grass fields

There stood in front of him jay

"what?" heeseung asked tilting his head "you die when i tell you to die alright?!" jay suddenly raised his voice

"so I'm not dead yet?"

"no! Now get your ass up and come and get us!"

His eyes suddenly opened

He was back at the river

Slowly he pushes himself up, grunting in pain as he sits up

"what a nightmare" he whispers breathlessly as he stands up

He started to walk, sometimes limping

"where are you both.."

Heeseungs villain arc comin in-


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