chapter 18

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It was like..

Everything happened so fast

Y/ns eyes widened

Jay froze on the spot

Jihyu was too stunned to move

And before they knew it, jihyu was on the ground defenseless

heeseung pinned him down the river, his hands balling into a fist as he lands a hard punch on jihyus right cheek


"Woah woah woah!" jay immediately wrapped his arms around heeseungs chest, pulling him away from jihyu who crawled back shakily, y/n holding his shoulder in panic

"let me go!" heeseung shouted "stop!" jay shouted back struggling to hold him back "didn't you save him?! Why are you killing him!" he continued


Y/n looked at jihyu in horror, with that information she pushes the boy away and backs up "what.." she whispered

Jay froze

Heeseung pushed jays arms aways before dusting himself

Jihyu only stared at him


"you know.. violence is never the answer" jay nervously started looking at heeseung

Heeseung turned to look at jay, his eyes were burning with anger, his gaze were dangerous

Jay suddenly gulps before laughing "sometimes violence can be the answer-"

Slowly jihyu stands up, looking away

"look" as soon as he turns, his eyes widened when heeseung swung his arms towards his face, a punch meeting his other cheek, he felt his mouth bleed

Y/ns eyes widened

"save it i don't want to hear anything come out of that mouth of yours" heeseung tightly whispered as he pulled the boy closer by holding his shirt

Jay suddenly yelped when the ground shook

Their eyes widened when they suddenly started to float, as if gravity suddenly disappeared

Y/n yelped panicking before feeling jay grab his wrist pulling her near him "heeseung stop it!" jay shouted

The two boys didn't care

"let go of me you prick!" jihyu shouted as he grabbed heeseungs wrist that held his shirt

"sure" heeseung replied, jihyus eyes widened when heeseung lifted a feet and kicked him back at the ground, his back hitting the pebbles and rocks before his body lifts up in the air again

Jay looked around as he noticed the trees shaking

Y/n held on his shirt, terrified, hiding herself as jay kept her close

"you have me! I may not be like him but i can guarantee that you're safe with me"

Y/n tightens her grip on his shirt as she remembered his words

Jays eyes suddenly widened as he saw the spiders once again

It floated out the trees

Numbers of them

"shit.." he whispered


Just a brief explanation of the situation since i read it and it kinda sounds complicated to understand

So the gravity part, they're floating but they aren't going higher they're just floating like 7-9ft away from the ground

I mean, i guess i can say jays gonna be more of a main character in these upcoming parts since heeseung is busy dealing with a pest

We're almost done! Do you have your favorite characters? HAHA

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