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episode zero.
" the beginning of the end. "

it wasn't the meant to pan out this way. It was a party to finish year eleven and go into year twelve. it wasn't meant to start certain relationships.

his lips locked with hers multiple times through the whole night. they couldn't get themselves to separate. they continuously messaged each other to meet in the backyard to hide from their friends. they barely knew each other and only knew each other through mutuals.

he leaned her against the brick wall, gently kissing her with so much passion. they could feel the tension get thicker, but then they heard his name being called out to come inside for a game.

he groaned, leaning his arm onto the wall and keeping their bodies close together. his breath fanning her lips. she bit her lips and looked away from him.

"this is never going to happen again."
she said, before looking him in the eyes. a tinge of regret filled her up once she said those words, but she knew it was for the best of her friendships.

"So it's just for this party?"
he asked, a glint of surprise lingered in his eyes.


he pushed himself off the wall, creating a distance between them. he cautiously looked around for his friends before facing micha again.

"I'll see you around then, micha."
"see you around... jaemin."

that's all they were. strangers that just happened to grow feelings for one night, only to return to strangers by the next day.

+ this is more like an introduction chapter to what happened before I start the real chapters!

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