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MICHA walked into her first class and received warm welcome backs from a few of the classmates she was friends with. She sat down at her desk and looked towards Yujun, who had tried hugging her to death when he first saw her, but eventually calmed down.

"Haechan will lose it when he sees you. he was complaining how he misses going to see you practice swimming and- oh my god wait have you seen Jaemin?"

"No, but I talked to him over the phone last night."

"ohh really.." Yujun said, leaning back into his chair and grinning brightly at her. Micha leaned towards him and slapped his chest, frowning at his teasing face.

"what's with you guys teasing Jaemin and I?"
Micha asked, trying to not blush at all despite her ears already burning.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry!!"

"I'm worried."

The teacher walked in and immediately started the lesson, giving those who rushed in late just a silent stare before continuing.
The classes seemed to drag on, and by the time it was lunch, Micha was ready to sleep. And so was the boy who sat next to her, eating his food with his eyes constantly drifting shut.

"Jaemin, are you okay?"
jeno asked, looking up from his own food. Jaemin's absolute silence was a rather odd experience for the boys who were used to him being talkative.


"I find it suspicious how you're both tired."
Yujun said, a smirk quipped his lips up.

"I just played a game too late last night."
Jaemin defended himself.

"Oh? micha told me she played a game last night too." Youngmi said, a huge gleaming smile made its way onto her face.

Everyone who sat at the table, expect those who were called out immediately started making noises of surprise, followed by lots of teasing. Jaemin's lips cracked into a smile as he took another bite of his food. Micha looked away from her friends and instead pulled her phone out, deciding to try and find something to get out of this conversation.

"Oh by the way I can't hang out today."
she said, referring to the conversations they had during their first break.

"Hyunjin wants to meet up."

Haechan slapped Youngmi, glaring at her before looking at Micha. "oh really? take Jaemin with you-"

"No, please don't."
Jaemin said seconds before shoving more food into his mouth. He seemed to be the only one who cared about eating rather then the gossip the table was having.

"Hyunjin asked me to pick a place to go... I don't know anywhere to go."

youngmi said with an innocent smile, immediately turning her head away from Jaemin who looked up at her with a stare you wouldn't want to receive. If only looks could kill.

"That makes it sound like a date." Micha said, her nose scrunching up. "What about just going to get food? I'm craving some good old korean street food."

Jaemin's lips curved up at the thought of Micha not wanting to go on a date with Hyunjin. Everyone expect Micha glanced at Jaemin as Micha spoke more, spurting out places she could go.

No one missed Jaemin's grins expect Micha.


Micha sat on the swings and swung gently, texting Hyunjin where she was. They planned to go to the city so Micha was at the playground that was next to the beach. She was feeling excitement build up inside her and she thought more about where they could go. She had money to spend and she was tempted to go on a shopping spree.

She heard her name called and jumped of the swing, walking towards Hyunjin. He wore a warm brown coat over a casual outfit, his hair a little messy but it only added to his visual. She smiled when he stood in front of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

Hyunjin cheeks flushed red but he quickly hugged her back, his arms wrapping around her waist before she pulled back. He smiled at her and tried to act casual as though his heart was racing a hundred miles per hour.

"Let's go get food! My friends and I do that all time so I could show you some great places."

His heart dropped the slightest at the thought that she didn't see this in any other way than just hanging out with friends like she does with her own friends. He still smiled brightly and walked along side her. He couldn't even get himself to feel sad in the slightest way, he was too busy being with the person that has made him the happiest lately.

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