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"Would you like to stay the night? we don't have a spare bedroom but jaemin has a mattress under his bed or you can have the lounge room?"
Jaemin's father asked her as she walked over to sit in front of the heater. Micha wasn't sure if she should stay the night, but she knew she didn't want to go home at all. So she really didn't have much choice.

"Or we can kick Jaemin out of his room and he can sleep on the couch. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, he tends to sleep in here a lot more than he should."
His mother said, smiling brightly as she sat next to her husband on the coach.

"I'm sure the couch will be fine."
Micha felt bad. It was all so sudden and she didn't really know them other than Jaemin's parents and the nice neighbours.

"I'll go get you blankets and a pillow."
His mother quickly said, rushing upstairs to get them.

"Well if you change your mind you can just speak to Jaemin about it."
His father said, smiling brightly before standing up and grabbing his cup of water off the coffee table.

"You can turn the television off with this remote or leave it on for background noise, whatever suits you."
He did a simple run through of a few things, pointing them out as he spoke. Micha paid close attention, making sure she wouldn't do anything she shouldn't.

"I'll go up to bed now, but my wife will be up for a while and I assume Jaemin will also be up." He finished talking, standing there with a smile.

"Okay. Thank you, goodnight."
Micha said, smiling even more when he said goodnight back to her.

His mother came down soon after, giving her a pile of blankets and a few pillow to choose from. Jaemin also came down soon enough, giggling when he saw the amount of blankets.
"that's all the spare blankets you have, isn't it."

"it's a cold night. Of course i brought them all down. You never know." She defended herself. Micha watched them interact and found it endearing. They were such a normal, happy family. Sure everyone has troubles, but this family looked close.

"would it be okay if I go to sleep...?"
Jaemin's mother asked after a few minutes of chatting to her son and micha.

"oh- of course! I'm so sorry to keep you up."

"no, no, it's no trouble. I'm just glad you came here and didn't stay outside any longer."

Micha wondered if she also saw micha storming out of her house. She wouldn't be surprised, she slammed the door pretty hard and the neighbourhood was rather quiet.

His mother said goodnight to them and went upstairs. Jaemin and Micha now were alone in his lounge room, neither knowing what to do after the events of earlier. Sleep seemed like a good option after everything that went down

"uhh I can sleep down here and you can sleep in my room. if you're okay with that? I don't mind, but I think a bed would be more comfortable than a couch."
Jaemin suggested with a light chuckle when he finished his sentence. His sweet words he kept on sharing with her that night were confusing her now. She wasn't sure if he wanted to be friends or he was simply being a nice human being.

"yeah, so you should take your bed."
Micha was determined to make sure she didn't disrupt his life anymore though. Coming to his house at night, crying in front of him, staying over at his house. She was sure it were to bother him.

But Jaemin also was determined to make sure micha was comfortable, happy and warm.
"I have it every other night. Plus you should sleep more comfortably."

"Why should I? I'm not royalty."

"You may not be but you certainly didn't have the best night ever. A good nights sleep might make you feel better."

She brought her hands up to her eyes and rubbed them, too tired to argue. She then remembered his father mentioning a mattress under his bed.
"What about the mattress under your bed?"

"If you want we can do that."


"I'll take that as a yes then. Come on."
He picked up a few blankets and the pillow off the coach for her before going up stairs to his bedroom. Once they arrived in his room, he dropped the blankets and went to his bed, pulling the mattress out before sitting down on it.

"I'll sleep on this, you have my bed."
He said, already sprawling out onto the mattress. Micha looked at him with her jaw dropped.
"What? that wasn't the plan."

"You should get the better bed though."
He said, looking up at her with a smile curved on his lips.

"I see no difference."

"There is a difference though."
He said instantly after her. Micha rolled her eyes, deciding to just do whatever he said and sat on his bed. He grabbed his pillow of his bed and passed her the pillow his mother got for her.

She awkwardly shuffled under his sheets, feeling slightly uncomfortable to be in another persons bed other than her own, but she was soon surprised at how comfortable it was once she fully laid down.

Jaemin was busy putting his bed together but once he was done, he stood up and left the room, only coming back up once he checked everything was off and cleaned back down stairs. He closed the bedroom door behind him and looked towards Micha.
"Lights off?"


He turned the lights off and got into his newly made bed. Silence consumed them, only their soft breaths being heard and the light pitter patter on the window from the rain.

Jaemin then sighed, deciding to say one more thing before he goes to sleep.
"If you need anything I'm here for you."

And for some reason, Micha couldn't tell if he meant just this night while she was here, or if he was always going to be there for her.

city lights - jaemin Where stories live. Discover now