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THE trip was over in just a few days and Micha had spent the past few days in her hotel room, didn't leave much and instead she was catching up on some school work on her laptop, that way when she returned she wouldn't be years behind everyone else. With the help of Youngmi and Yujun, she caught up significantly, but knew once she got back she would still need to do some extra studying to catch up.

Hyunjin was busy doing other things, such as spending time with his family who deciding it would be fun to go on a tour around the island and do all the things tourists do. Micha's parents did those things together, leaving Micha at the hotel not knowing they were leaving her out until Hyunjin said he saw her parents but couldn't find her.

Now, she was sitting outside on a bench, her upper body twisted and she looked over the back of the chair, admiring the gorgeous garden. she recently discovered this garden had a small fountain in the middle of it with some cute ornaments surrounding it, almost as though it was a fairy garden.

"Micha." a voice called out. she turned around and saw Hyunjin striding towards her. He was wearing a classy outfit, and she thought she was ridiculous to be wearing a classy dress when she had no where to go. She didn't realise how many times she changed her clothes recently, and this meant her only option was a classy black dress. Though she had to admit, Hyunjin's outfit and her's matched perfectly.

"Hyunjin!" She stood up and walked towards him, meeting him half way, "long time no see, huh?"

Hyunjin chuckled and looked at her dress, his smile growing even more. "you look beautiful. why did you dress up?"

"thank you. and I dressed up for no reason." She grinned, realising she really did dress up for nothing. but maybe nothing could finally have a reason, if Hyunjin is dressed up also.

"let's go somewhere then."

"sure! where though?"

"I saw that there is an art museum, let's go be classy people and look at art while dressed like we're celebrities."
He joked, however he extended his arm out, hand over his stomach, gesturing for her to hold him arm. She laughed, hand covering her mouth, surprised he was going all out. but in the end she did grab onto his arm and they walked like that the whole time.

In one hand he was googling the directions and making assumptions on how far it was to walk. micha was texting Youngmi about the museum, obviously receiving some teasing from Youngmi, yet it seemed to drop a little and the conversation went to Jaemin.

Micha couldn't deny, she was starting to really wonder what was with Jaemin and her. Did everyone find out what happened at the party? she completely forgot it even happened ever since she and Jaemin were starting to have a normal friendship, or at least she was hoping it was a friendship.

Her mothers words still had some what of an affect on her, but Jaemin managed to come back into her life after a few days. It was almost like he didn't want to lose her. He didn't even question why she was like how she was, and instead she was given her dream necklace that she just so happened to have been wearing everyday.

And everytime she saw the necklace, she thought of Jaemin. In just a few days she will see him and her friends again, that thought alone made her smile a bit.

She was brought out of her thoughts where Hyunjin mentioned they were close, it was at the end of the street. She excitedly picked up pace, resulting in Hyunjin having to hold onto her arm instead to keep up.

They got to the huge museum, that was built by a clearly amazing architect, just by the design of the outside she was excited to see how classy this museum was.

They got inside, still linked arms as Hyunjin paid the small entry fee price. Micha and Hyunjin walked around the museum rooms slowly, looking at the art, either admiring it or holding in a laugh when they spot something absurd. Their arms never once unlinked, and unfortunately, someone's heart was fluttering.

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