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MICHA choked on her food for a second but quickly recovered and just kept chewing as if she was completely casual. She couldn't tell if they noticed but she clearly wasn't casual.

Jaemin continued eating, not yet answering until he felt everyone's stare on him. He looked back up, his cheeks full of food before he nodded his head, muttering "yeah," then continuing to chew while taking glances at Micha.

Micha was mentally fighting her friend but couldn't say anything against walking with Jaemin unless she told all her friends about what happened with them. So, she was willing to walk home with him just so her friends don't find out the truth.

The group finished eating took their cans of sodas outside. They sat on the curb of the street, having the sun beam down on them. Jaemin stood at the back, drinking his coke before sighing and walking towards Micha. He tapped her shoulder then looked at his friends.
"i'll get going now." Micha stood up and waved at them, knowing it was also her cue to leave.

She followed after Jaemin, and at first they walked together just incase the others saw them, yet as soon as they turned the corner onto a new street, Jaemin sped up whereas micha slowed down. The distance between them got bigger and bigger until he was at least a few metres in front of her.

She mindlessly continued walking at a slower pace then usual, deciding to use this time to think things over. The streets were relatively empty until a group of younger boys came through the streets on their bikes.

Micha hadn't noticed, but Jaemin noticed. Jaemin stopped his walking and started to run back, heading towards Micha again. The boys on bikes approached Micha and reached into their baskets in the front of their bikes and held up water balloons.

Before Micha could process it, Jaemin was in front of her and spun her to the side. His hand holding her in front of him as his back was facing the boys on the bikes. She felt droplets of water splash from Jaemin's back along with cheering form younger kids.

It stopped after a few seconds and Jaemin turned around, letting go of Micha and stepping towards the street where the kids were riding off on.

"YOU LITTLE SHITS!! I'LL TELL YOUR PARENTS ABOUT THIS!!!" The kids only yelled and cheered, riding down the street until they were out of sight.

"They're my cousins. sorry."
Jaemin said before walking off again, his back drenched in water and dripping onto the path behind him. He left Micha alone, still confused as to just what happened. It was a warm day but she was thankful she didn't get water on her.

Micha said but she didn't know if Jaemin had heard her or not.

city lights - jaemin Where stories live. Discover now