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JET lag hit her hard, because once she was awake, she was pinning with energy at 4 in the morning. She messaged her friends about her arriving safely, yet she did not tell them about hyunjin. she planned that she would tell them if she becomes friends with the boy. For now, he was simply the airport guy with good fashion.

And now she was walking around the 5 star hotel trying to find things that would be open at 4 am. Yet there wasn't really much. The halls were practically empty.

She reached the first floor and walked outside to the gardens outside, deciding to walk around there until she felt like it was time to go back. It wasn't until she saw someone that she changed her mind. She walked up to the boy and said hey, catching his attention. He smiled brightly upon seeing her and immediately rushed over towards her.

"Glad to know I'm not the only one awake."
Hyunjin says as he shoved his hands into his pockets. The air around them was cold, yet it wasn't freezing. The weather was supposed to be warm but I guess you can't expect it to be when it's 4 am.

"What is there to do around here? i have nothing planned for this trip at all."
Micha muttered, walking towards some flowers and touching them, feeling their petals and smiling when she realised they were the ones she used to have when she was younger.

"I'm not sure either. One day I was at school the next I was told I was going to Rio De Janerio."
He looked at his clock and thought for a few moments before smiling, "I would be having my after school nap right about now."

"Let's go explore, you know... just walk the streets for a bit."
Hyunjin shrugs and agrees, following her out of the hotel and it's lobby garden. They walked the streets, most of the light being from the sky, despite the sun not being out. That was something called light pollution.

They walked until they reached a street of cafes and stores, yet it was all closed, the two still looked through the windows and made decisions on what they will come to eat later. Pre-planning their meals for the day ahead. By the time they got tired, it was almost 5am and they were only now starting to walk back to the hotel.

Hyunjin, who was in front of Micha, started heading the opposite direction to the hotel and instead to the playground. The playground was meant for all the children that came on holidays here. However, you are never too young to go down slides and play on the swings.

Micha rolled her eyes when she saw him, running to the ladder that went to the slide. She soon joined him at the playground and found herself sitting on the swing, casually swinging while watching Hyunjin entertain himself and her, playing on the slide and whatever else he could think of.

"Reliving my childhood is funnier than I thought!" He yelled, sliding down the slide on his stomach. Although he had a rough landing, having flown off onto the ground as the slide as steeper than he anticipated, he laughed loudly and was clearly enjoying this moment.

He then moved towards the other swing next to hers and sat down on it, pushing himself back almost immediately and started swinging his legs casually. He turned his head towards her and smiled brightly at her.

"Where do you live?"


"Figured." He muttered before chuckling. Micha titled her head to the side and looked at him. They were swinging together at the same speed, the wind blowing their hair forwards making it harder to see but it made it a bit more fun.

"How did you figure that out?"
She asked, raising an eyebrow at him ever so slightly.

"you... I don't know to be honest. you have the same personality as a friend of mine who lives in a seoul, so I just assumed all seoul people are like that." He said nonchalantly, smiling a sweet smile.

"Isn't that nice. You're stereotyping."
She said, seeing how he just nodded his head to her words, then she continued. "So where are you from?"

He said with no hesitation. Micha fell silent, just looking at Hyunjin who was grinning widely. He soon looked at her and bursted into laughter, getting off the swing. She too got off the swing and watched as he calmed down from laughing.

"okay okay, I'm going to go back now. let's hang out again... when we wake up..?"
He asked, unsure if his choice of words were correct considering they both had extreme jet lag right now and weren't tired enough to sleep.

They walked back to the hotel just as the sky was getting lighter as they got closer and closer to sunrise.

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