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It was a new year and the school holidays came to an end. Year twelve was right around the corner and many of the students were meeting up to hang out with friends. A moment to all catch up before classes started and everyone would be focusing on school once again, or at least be trying to. The motivation lasted for a good while but usually ended after eight weeks and things would only get done through stress. Parties were continuously happening for all the birthdays that were during the early year, and some were just normal gatherings of friends that turned into parties.

Micha and her friend, Youngmi, had called over some friends to hang out. Yujun, one of the boys they were friends with, got his friends to hang out at aswell. Leading to the unplanned gathering off what seemed like a half a class. He was there also, yet he surprisingly acted like he didn't know her at all.

His personality was slightly different from the night they kissed and acted like a couple even though they were practically strangers. He wasn't that different, just the fact he seemed like an extremely cheerful sporty teenage boy compared to the night of the party. Regret had hit her awfully fast but she wasn't one for creating a relationship like that without knowing much about him. They were simply a fling of the night.

Haechan had everyone follow him to an ice cream stood and soon enough, once they all had their ice cream, they sat down on the grass in a random park and got to know each other a bit better than when they all met at the party. Sure, they had known each other at school, but being friends was different to being classmates.

"You know, the party was one for the best events our year level has ever had. We actually got to make friends this time. All the other times people just stuck to themselves and people they knew." Jeno said, shuffling backwards to make the circle bigger.

"I know, it was amazing."
Jaemin said before taking a bite of his ice cream, instantly regretting it once his teeth hurt and his whole body froze. Unconsciously, Micha looked at Jaemin and watched him for a few seconds. He didn't once look at her the whole time, It was like he did forget about it and really went to being strangers.

"We need to get everyone together again like that when majority of us are eighteen." Yujun suggested.

"End of year celebration. It can be an early graduation party and then we can have a graduation party." Youngmi excitedly said, with everyone humming and making random noises of agreement. Some laughter was thrown around when the conversations got weirder and more off topic.

As everyone finished their ice creams, Micha had unintentionally become the one who held her friends rubbish. Whereas Jaemin stood up and collected the rubbish from his friends, deciding to go find a bin.

"Micha follow Jaemin and find a bin, we will get ready to go." Youngmi said, instructing her friend. Micha glared at Youngmi but she knew it wasn't her fault. No one knew what happened.

She stood to her feet and walked after Jaemin, feeling awkward to run up to him knowing there was an odd tension between them. It certainly didn't seem like a nice tension either judging by how he ignored her almost entirely.

He put the rubbish into the bin and was surprised to see Micha behind him. His expression soon relaxed, yet he said nothing to her.

"So are we going to be friends...?" She asked quietly. She didn't want to push it, but she knew everyone else was becoming friends. It only made sense.

"I don't think we should."
He said nonchalantly, taking a few steps away from the bin so she could put the rubbish in there. She stood there for a second or two, completely dumbfounded.  "why's that?"

"You wanted to be strangers. Didn't you?"

For some reason, his words got on her nerves. She raised an eyebrow at him with slight annoyance glowing in her eyes. "I just didn't want a relationship out of that... fling."

His voice trialled off before he looked back to his friends who were starting to notice they were taking a little too long to go to the bin. Without further discussion, he walked off on her, leaving her no choice but to follow him after putting the rubbish in the bin.

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