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HYUNJIN and Micha entered the restaurant, coming face to face with a buzzing crowd of hungry people, wanting to get served their food.

Hyunjin looked around the restaurant before turning around, grabbing her wrist and walking out of the large restaurant. Micha followed him - with little choice - until they were on the street again, Hyunjin on his phone looking up restaurant near the area, again.

"Why not that restaurant."
She asked once he let go of her wrist. The two was standing outside a small shop that smelled snacks, and Micha was starting to think that they would be eating chips as their main meal.

"Long wait." He said, looking around for the street sign before going back to his phone, which was on it's death bed at 5%.

"By the time we find another a restaurant, we could've been served in this one." Micha whined, holding her stomach that was starting to make grumbling noises.

"No, not this restaurant."
He said in a more stern voice.

"It was your idea-"

"Just not this one."

"I knew I saw you there, Hyunjin."
Hyunjin's face fell, looking at micha. He sucked in a breath of air and turned around, with a bright smile on his face as though he was truely the happiest ever. He walked over to the male who stood their with an just as equally wide grin.

so this must've been why...
Micha thought, realising now that this person must've been from the restaurant.

"you should've come and greeted me when you landed!"

"I've been so caught up in a lot of things, just haven't had the time. i see you plenty in korea though." Hyunjin lied through his teeth, smiling proudly as the male bought his lie.

Micha wanted to laugh as Hyunjin struggled to get out of the conversation. Constantly repeating that he was hungry and looking for nice restaurants, then having to turn down eating with him.

However once her stomach started to hurt, now realising she was really hungry, she stepped forward and stood next to Hyunjin.

"Oh hello there. you must be his friend?" Micha nodded her head at the man. "Well I'm Hyunjin's father's business partner."

He extended his arm to her, which she gracefully took his hand into hers and shook it before letting go. "I would love to talk longer, but I actually booked in for a restaurant and we should get going."

"Oh right, I shouldn't bother you two for any longer! have a good trip Hyunjin and...." He looked towards her with a raised eyebrow.

"Micha." she said calmly. "and Micha. bye bye now." He said in a loud cheery voice walking back to the restaurant.

The two of them stared walking down the road, and once they were far enough from the restaurant, she looked up at Hyunjin.

"Was that why you didn't want to go to the restaurant?"

"Yes." He said with a sigh. The two of them were hungry and now just walking the streets looking for a place that sold food.

"He is one of the fakest people I know in the business industry."

"Along with Mr Ki-" Hyunjin shut his mouth quickly and instead pointed up at a tree. "Oh bird- oh it flew away."

Micha, who didn't look at the tree to tell if there really was a bird or not, sighed and kicked a rock with her foot as she walked.

There was silence for at least a minute, yet to Hyunjin it felt like an eternity. He was already going through a list of apologies he could give in order to not ruin their growing friend ship. She was good company and he liked her, he didn't want to lose her so fast.

"Mr kim. my dad.."
She sucks in a heavy breath. releasing it as she spoke. "he sucks doesn't he?"

Hyunjin's eyes widened, yet he didn't speak. not knowing what he should say. Should he agree? Should he disagree?

"He is a worse father though. At least as a business man, he does his job right."
She felt her mood go down immensely as she thought about it all over again. Both her parents sucked, equally the same. It just sucked how she still hoped they cared for her.

"I'm sorry." He said, not knowing what else he should say.

"no- I'm sorry. you didn't ask I just kind of told you- you know what let's go find a nice restaurant."
"ye-yeah let's do that."

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