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SHE ended up falling back asleep. Perhaps all the crying had exhausted her, and now with the common cold, she was even more tired. Yet after a long nap, her symptoms had eased up and she felt okay enough to go do things. Other than the occasional sniffle. She was lucky in the sense that her colds were usually only had in the morning and at night.

She got out of Jaemin's bed and walked to his window, looking out over to her house. No cars in the drive way equaled no parents home. She grabbed her purse off Jaemin's bed side table and exited the room. She walked down the stairs, seeing Jaemin's mother in the kitchen.

Micha walked to the kitchen and smiled at the lady who was cooking food.
"You must be sick as well... I'll make you some soup."

Even if Micha wanted to decline, she couldn't get herself to decline it when she knows her own mother wouldn't do such a thing for her. She thanked the lady before looking towards the front door.

"I'm just going to go across the street to change then I'll be back." Jaemin's mother nodded her head and started dishing the hot soup into bowls.

Micha unlocked the house with her keys, sneaking in with quiet steps just in case. Yet luckily, after clearing a few rooms she comfortably walked up stairs to her room. She changed out of the clothes his mother gave her before changing into her own. Dressing comfortably and even grabbing a few extras incase she got a fever and needed to change.

She knew she would have to go home soon, face her parents, but she couldn't help but want to avoid it as long as possible. She didn't want to burden Jaemin and his family any longer though. Maybe she'll call around to her friends and see if there was any where else she could stay.

She walked out of her house, locking the door before walking back to Jaemin's house with a bag on her back, no longer holding her purse and finding a bag better to hold more things.

Just before she opened his gates, she saw Jaemin's fathers car pull into the driveway. i thought he worked during the day?

It wasn't until jaemin tiredly got out of the car followed by his father who rushed to unlock the front door. Micha walked towards Jaemin, not knowing how to help but deciding maybe holding bag would help. She grabbed it from him and received a look from him, but it wasn't a glare like she half expected him too. He looked away and got into the house. Micha following behind just in time to hear his father announce that Jaemin fainted.

Jaemin wavered off his mothers worries, immediately telling her he just wanted to sleep. She walked Jaemin up the stairs, scolding him for not taking better care of himself and staying home even though he knew he was sick.

Micha placed his bag down next to the shoe rack, not knowing where to put it without disturbing Jaemin who was obviously going to be sleeping in a matter of seconds.

Micha walked into the lounge room and put her own bag next to the couch, deciding that she would spend the rest of the day there.

"Come eat, Micha."
Micha stood up at the ladies words and walked into the dinner room. She sat down and carefully blew air at the soup before scooping some up, drinking it.

Silence overcame the house. It was uncomfortable yet not in the kind of uncomfortable Micha was used too. It wasn't like anyone was mad, disappointed or anything negative in that sense. It was the kind of uncomfortable that was filled with worry and anxiousness.

"I'm worried about the both of them. They're both sick and Jaemin fainted.."
Micha overhead Jaemin's mother saying in the other room. She didn't like overhearing conversations, not after she got scolded when she was only a young child. But hearing them worry over her made her heart fill with warm-ness. She wished she could experience this every day in her life.

She tuned out the worried adults in the next room, and instead calmly ate the soup. It wasn't until someone sat in front of her that she was as drawn out of her day dreaming. She looked up and saw jaemin, grabbing his spoon and eating the soup.

"I thought you were going to sleep."

"I need to eat first."
He said in a low voice, instantly, his hand coming up to hold his throat as he winced in pain. The two ate their soup in silence, a warm feeling filled them up. Maybe it was just the soup? or could it be because they weren't arguing and glaring at each other anymore?

The now comfortable atmosphere allowed them to stay silent and finish the soup before just sitting there.

"You okay? i heard you fainted."
Micha asked. She was surprised that he had actually fainted, he seemed perfectly fine when she woke up.

"yeah. I'm fine."
He replied, still in a quiet voice though this time it didn't seem to hurt him since he didn't hold his throat. Maybe the soup got rid of his sore throat.

"I put your bag next to the shoe rack by the way." She said, placing the spoon on the table next to her now empty bowl of soup.
"Thank you."
He muttered before grabbing his glass of water and taking a sip. He stood up and walked off, going back upstairs leaving Micha alone once again.

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