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JAEMIN woke up, his neck hurting a bit but never the less he opened his eyes and he grabbed his phone off the floor. He turned it on to see an hour had past by. He stood up quickly and saw micha still past asleep on her bed. He walked towards her and grabbed her phone, turning it on to see there was no alarm even set.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and walked towards her door, opening it and peering down the stairs. He heard the loud chatter of the adults talking and it seemed like they were planning to stay until late. The boy sighed and closed the door again. He turned and looked back at Micha sleeping peacefully.

Unbeknownst to the boy, he smiled for a moment, yet just as quickly as he did, he stopped and turned away. He walked back over to his spot on the floor and leaned against the wall again, pulling his phone out and playing games to pass time.

It felt like forever before Micha felt herself wake up. Yet she was just as quick to realise she was being shaken awake.

"wake up, wake up"
Jaemin repeatedly said in a hushed voice. she sat up, half asleep still yet swung her legs off the bed to stand up but was pushed to sit back down by Jaemin. She turned her head to him about to argue when he sat down next to her just as the door swung open.

Micha's mother stood there and eyes the two of them. Jaemin had froze his hand in the air and his mouth half open, as if he was talking. Micha looked surprised but casually played it off as best as she could despite only just waking up.

"You two haven't eaten dinner yet so come eat now." Her mother turned around and walked back downstairs, leaving the door wide open. Micha turned her head towards Jaemin, still confused by the whole event.

"How'd you know? why-"

"I heard our parents at the bottom of the stairs and assumed they were coming up."
He stood up and grabbed his hoodie off the floor, putting it over his head and through his arms.

"And I woke you up because your parents are..." He stopped himself from speaking and trailed off his voice. He knew there was no nice way to describe the mean and strict her parents were, yet he decided to use a word that would best describe how their behaviour was like to him. "odd."

She breathed out. She stood up and walked to the mirror on her vanity, fixing her hair quickly with her hands. Jaemin watched her from her door, waiting for her to follow him downstairs. She stood back up and walked towards him yet stopped in front of him.

"Thank you."
She said before slipping past him and walking downstairs.

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