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"I suggest you come here early on the day of the event for this. Just so we can get there on time for the practice round." The coach explained to the girls as they all sat on the edge of the pool, with their legs in the water, kicking their legs under the water trying to keep it from splashing.

The whole day went by in a slow pace, Micha fell asleep in her first class and ever since then she was dreading swimming practice after school. But now she was dreading going home to her parents to tell them she had a swimming event tomorrow, the first one of the year and one that mattered a lot.

Micha had never felt more nervous before and she couldn't get herself to read over what teams were going. She used to be the best of her team when they were younger, but now everyone was catching up, and now her teammates were all at her level if not, better than her. Other teams were also improving immensely.

Micha couldn't understand how she managed to lose her once impressive swimming abilities over a long break, but she also couldn't understand how she just couldn't get it back either. She was trying harder than ever, but it didn't help her at all.

Micha messaged the groupchat about the event as soon as she got into the changing rooms. She then called Youngmi and told her about the event in more detail.

"That's always nerve wrecking." youngmi stated before continuing. "You're going to do amazing I just know it." Youngmi said, her excitement being heard through her voice.

"I'm so nervous though..."
Micha had yet to tell anyone about her no longer being as good. In fact, her parents would've only found out because the coach likes to inform the parents how the girls were going.

"I wish you all my luck Micha."
Youngmi tried to encourage her, despite the lack of enthusiasm on michas behalf. Micha hums, acknowledging Youngmi before bidding her goodbyes.

She left the changing rooms and walked out of the building before any of her teammates got out of the changing rooms. She rushed towards the school gates, expecting the school to be rather empty - but instead she saw Yujun standing there, leaning against one of the gates on his phone. He looked up and made eye contact with her. Immediately, he smiled and put his phone into his pocket, taking small steps towards her until they met half way.

"I thought I could buy you something in order to celebrate."

"I should get going home-"

"we can just get you something at the small shop near your house then!"

Micha was silently thankful that Yujun never pressured her to go out, he never questioned why she needed to be home all the time. Instead he would try his best to move around the schedules she had while still doing what he wished to do for her.

She agreed, and the two of them walked away from the school with a fast pace. Practically running by the time they were on the street of the store. They ran into the store and he took her to the snack isle, picking one of her favourite snacks. Yet one became a few more than that, and he would've kept picking up more and more if it weren't for her stopping him.

"Don't waste all your money now."

He said in a drawn out tone of voice, putting back a few of the snacks before facing her with a bright smile.
"I'll just buy these and then you can go home"

She followed him to the register at the front, standing behind him as he paid and put it into a plastic bag he had in his bag from another time he went shopping. Hepaid and bid his goodbyes to the worker, walking out of the store and standing out on the side walk.

He gave her the bag and smiled as he took steps away from her, getting ready to go home himself.
"Think of the snacks as good luck!"

"Thank you yujun."
He smiled a toothy smile, taking steps back before waving to her, then turning around to walk home. She too, turned around and walked home with a faster pace to get home before her parents notice.

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