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you're going to absolutely beat the shit out of the practice and then you're gonna murder the swimming competition.

weird way to be supportive haechan....

ok I'll be boring then

good luck micha!
you got this!!

i believe in you micha!!! you can do it!

i made the groupchat and you guys don't even let me text first?

I'm toooooo fast wit it


good luck micha

be more enthusiastic jaemin come on now
she needs all the energy she can get


good enough ig.

no but really micha goodluck, you'll do great like you always do!! even if you are feeling stressed I believe you won't do bad!

what if she does though..................

how dare you even bring up such a possibility?

She sat nervously on the bus and scrolled through her phone. Her friends made a groupchat of everyone, they all sent cheering and supportive messages to her.

Her nerves were not eased, but it did make her happy to see messages from them. Even jaemin sent a message, But she chose to ignore the fact that he was likely forced to send it.

The coach stood from her seat at the front, she walked down to the middle of the bus and held onto the back of one of the seats. She took a deep breath and spoke a loud, strict voice.
"girls, today you have one of the biggest!! the most important!! competition of the year!!"

A few girls laughed, which was followed by the coach also cracking a smile.

"It isn't really, but I want you to treat it like it's the most important one. Give it your all!!" She said in a more cheery voice then before. Everyone on the bus cheered and clapped, yelling words of encouragement for themselves. Even the bus driver cheered, he had gotten used to the cheering from the sports teams whenever he took them out to the events.

Yet the happiness soon turned into more professionalism when they arrived to the huge building. It had a wall that was glass, which showed the humongous pool inside and all the swimming teams already there.

Micha nervously fiddled with her phone in her hand, before deciding to shoot the group chat a message.


I'm here
so nervous

you can do it
don't be nervous
I'm sure you won't be bad at all

I've seen you be nervous and every single time you do absolutely amazing
go and absolutely beat everyone!!!

Youngmi wasn't wrong, but she certainly didn't know how nervous micha was. Micha had never felt so sick before but she casually played it off and walked confidently with her team.


The practice round was about to begin. She was in position and just needed to wait for the signal. Every other team wasn't paying attention to others, only their own and how their own team pulled off the race. Practice round was always truely practice, no one else mattered until the real race.

Her nerves had gone down now that she was in the moment. She breathed in and out, relaxing her soul and mind, She opened her eyes and shot the water with a fierce look, ready to do her best.

The signal was shot and her instinct kicked in quickly. She hit the water with a smooth dive, before making her way to the top shortly after and starting the strokes.

It was only then, when she took a breath on the side, did she realise she messed up. Out to quickly usually ended badly for her, not for everyone, but for her it was almost always a bad round.

She started trying to go faster and just when she thought she would catch up, she was at the end.

She stopped and held onto the wall, looking for her coach. Her coach approached her spot and looked down at her with an expressionless face. never before was Micha faced with such an expression at the competitions.

"7th place out of 8."
Her coach said, sighing before standing back up straight and looking towards the team that stood on the far end of the pool, talking amongst themselves.
"sit out for today's competition, you clearly aren't ready for it."

"No trust me I can do it, just let me take another practice round and-"
Micha pleaded but only earned a stern look from her coach who cut her off seconds before she could finish speaking.
"No Micha. This is embarrassing. Please just sit out for this."

Her stomach dropped and her heart was shattered. Never once before was Micha hurt so badly by some words.

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