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1:42 am

you up?

SHE hated having done this, but it wouldn't matter because if he was asleep, he won't see it until tomorrow and if he was awake he could chose to ignore it. Instead she received a reply almost instantly.

1:43 am

you up?

are you okay?

She grabbed her coat of her cupboard door. Sure this was an impulsive action but she felt so comforted around him, that she knew she would eventually cave into the urge to go to him. Even if it was almost 2 am. She spent the last hour trying to cry her stressful thoughts that relayed through her mind. She just needed someone to comfort her. And who better than someone who she had always liked.

She slipped out of her room, her phone and keys for the front door in her pocket as she sneaked down stairs. She opened the front door and successfully made it outside. She looked over to his house and tried to smile but her tears were still on the edge and practically seconds from spilling onto her cheeks.

She ran across the road and to his gate, she carefully opened the gate and walked to his porch scared to even knock. Would it be smart to knock at 2 am? Should she message him instead?

But before she could do anything, the thoughts were flown to the side when the door opened and revealed jaemin in his jacket and his shoes on. He stood there, shocked to see her.
"I was just about to come over."

"I bet you to it." She muttered, forcing a smile onto her face.

Jaemin's hands came to her face and his hands rests on the side of her face, his thumbs brushing the tears away from her cheeks gently.

"Want to go for a walk?"
Hesuggested, and Micha merely nodded. There was something to calming about walking and talking your problems out. Thr last time they did this, it had helped her feel even the slightest bit better.

He removed his hands from her face and put them in his pocket, walking next to her. For a while they walked in silence, much like last time. But this time Micha didn't have a whole lot to try and explain to him. He surely would've been able to guess by now.

Micha came to a stop when they walked under a street light. It was a bus stop, but since there were seats, Micha sat down. Jaemin sat next to her and looked at her, waiting patiently.

Micha turned to Jaemin and forced a smile onto her face. Jaemin frowned at her, knowing very well she wasn't happy.

"I told my parents about... wanting to quit."
Silence followed after her words. Jaemin just slowly nodding his head, waiting for the rest of the explanation.
"they didn't take it so well.."

Jaemin slowly nodded his head, breaking the eye contact with her temporarily before looking back at her. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to say the same things over and over again.

Micha looked him in the eyes and noticed his hesitation.  "It's okay Jaemin, really it is."

She slapped her hands onto her knees and tried to smile brightly. As if she wasn't crying.

"You know what" She turned and looked at him once again, trying to sound stronger than she was. Like she didn't anyone in her life to comfort her. "I didn't ask for you to help me."

"You literally came to my house at 2 am crying?" Jaemin said, eyeing her with a confused look. She fell quiet and instead looked at the ground as tears continued pouring down her cheeks.

She felt like an absolute mess.

Jaemin sighed, moving his arms and bringing himself closer to her until he could hug her. She sat there still as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"You don't have to be strong."

"But I want to be." she said, spurting out her words as best as she could without her voice breaking. talking and trying to stop crying wasn't an easy task.
"I don't want to rely on people."

Jaemin pulled back from the hug and put his hands on her cheeks, turning her face towards him. "but you do know it is okay to rely on people sometimes, right?"

She nodded her head and smiled despite her tears that just stopped seconds okay. "yes, I know."

"You can always rely on me."
He looked into her eyes sincerely.
"I'll always have your back."

The two of them didn't speak anymore. His hands stayed on her cheeks, as she relaxed into his gentle touch. They were so close, her heart was fluttering. As she calmed down more, her tears were drying up quickly and she no longer felt like crying. Jaemin was right, this was her life and she could make her own decisions.

She sighed heavily, having only now started to breath normally again now that she was crying heavily. Jaemin's smile softened as his eyes flickered between her eyes. She leaned in slightly, intending on hugging him but she never went for the hug. Instead she had just moved closer.

When neither of them moved away, they both smiled. It was so clear what they wanted to do, but memories hung in the back of their mind.

She leans in a little bit closer to him, their lips practically brushing against each other yet it wasn't there yet.

I have a big feeling that this isn't what platonic feelings are.

Micha thought to herself. Her smile grew even more when Jaemin started to move in closer to close the gap. They both reacted quickly and started to move with the gentle kiss. He pulled her a little bit closer to him, intending to keep this deep, loving kiss as long a possible.

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