Chapter 4: Monster Invasion!?

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-With (Y/N) and Ricca-

Upon almost arriving back at the Village, Polon starts barking in the opposite way and this takes notice of Ricca and (Y/N).

Ricca: Huh? That way leads out of the village, Polon...We need to hurry and show this fairy to Miria.

And just like that, Polon runs off in the opposite direction, barking at whatever it sensed.

(Y/N): Polon, get back here!

Ricca: ...And there he goes...

(Y/N): Sheesh, what's up with him?

Ricca: No clue, let's just head back.

Both you and Ricca continued walking until you smell something.

(Y/N): Hey, do you smell that?

Ricca: Huh? Smell what?

(Y/N): Smells like...something is burning.

Ricca then sniffs in the air and got the smell in her nostrils.

Ricca: Yeah, it definitely smells like burning!

You and Ricca looked up to see smoke in the air.

Ricca: Is that...smoke? Why would there be smoke in the village?

That's when a realization hits you like a truck.

(Y/N): The village must be under attack!

Ricca: What?!

You then quickly sprinted, leaving Ricca behind.

Ricca: H-Hey, wait for me!

Ricca then runs after you while carefully holding the basket in her hands.

-Mini Time Skip-

Not long afterward, Ricca and (Y/N) finally arrived at the West Village, and to their shock what was in front of them was...

Not long afterward, Ricca and (Y/N) finally arrived at the West Village, and to their shock what was in front of them was

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Ricca: The...The village...why...!?

(Y/N): Everything is all burned up! That bell must've warned everyone that it was under attack!

Ricca: Where is everyone...? Where's Miria...!?

(Y/N): We should head into the village!

You tell Ricca as the two of you ran towards the burned West Mountain Village.

While heading to the village, a slime was in front of you two.

Ricca: Slimes?!

(Y/N): Get back!

You pulled out your sword, rushed towards the slime, slashed and killed it in one hit, as the slime disappears out of existence.

Ricca: When did they get here...? Were they attacking the village!? Is that why I didn't see them in the mountains...? D-Did these slimes do all this?

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