Chapter 8: The Birth of a Succubus

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-No One's P.O.V-

(A/N: I'm gonna have to rush the story's gameplay because it'll take too long and I also want to get to the story dialogues and its cutscenes to progress through.)

After camping out for the night, You, Ricca, and Iris continued on your journey until the three of you arrived at a forest with rivers, the three of you encountered a lot of monsters along the way. The Stone Giant was revived for some reason and started to roll toward you three as if to crush you, Ricca, and Iris. So, the three of you ran away from it to avoid being crushed until the Stone Giant hits a wall, killing itself.

After that encounter, You, Iris, and Ricca finally arrived at the settlement that the human soldier told you about its location. However, the human settlement was destroyed and there were a bunch of Undead and Wraith monsters appeared in the way.

The three of you defeated the monsters along the way and the Drain Crystal as well.


So right now, it was now morning, the three of you looked in front and see a large tower.

So right now, it was now morning, the three of you looked in front and see a large tower

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Ricca: Is that...a fortress...? A tower...?

(Y/N): It's either both. Iris, can you detect anything from there?

Iris: It's very faint...but I feel the presence of human life around this tower. Looks like we were right to follow that goblin.

Ricca: Miria...!

(Y/N): We can assume Miria is in that tower up there, but we don't know if she's there or not.

Ricca: (Y/N), she has to be up that tower!

(Y/N): I'm just saying, but we have to be careful once we enter that fortress.

You said in a stern voice as the three of you walked towards the entrance of the fortress.


(Y/N): Yup, just as I expected.

You said in a monotone voice. Around you were a lot of goblins surrounding you three.

 Around you were a lot of goblins surrounding you three

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