Epilogue 2 - (Y/N) stays with Ricca in her homeworld

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-No One's P.O.V-

After the defeat of Arch-Lich, Ricca confessed her feelings to (Y/N) as the young man accepts her feelings.

Once (Y/N) accepted Ricca's feelings, the young man looked back to the portal that leads to his home world as he lowered his head down as if he was thinking of something until he spoke up...

(Y/N): You know what?

Everyone raised their heads in confusion until you spoke up.

(Y/N): I...I think I'll stay...with you.

(Y/N) says with hesitation and this surprised everyone.

Ricca: W-What?

(Y/N): You heard me. I'll stay in this world and live here with Ricca.

You said in a stern voice.

Claret: Wait, are you serious?

Iris: You're not seriously staying here after all the trouble you've gone into.

(Y/N): Ricca just confessed to me and made me decide if I should stay in this world or leave together back into my home world. Besides...I've already made my decision.

Everyone stayed silent at your response as you turned back to the portal of your home world and said...

(Y/N): Sorry portal, I'll be staying here forever.

You said to portal until everyone sees the blue portal slowly closing itself until it disappears out of existence as if it understood your decision.

Ricca: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hm?

Ricca: Are...are you really sure you're not regretting staying here...?

Ricca asks with a bit of worry until you spoke up.

(Y/N): Just a little, but I have you and shall stay by your side, that's all it matters.

You said with a sincere smile as Ricca smiled and hugged you.

Ricca: Okay...if you say so.

(Y/N): Yeah.

And just like that, everyone headed back to their rightful places.

-Time Skip-

A few months passed after the defeat of Arch-Lich and the Darkfiend Dragon, the West Mountain Village has been fully rebuilt to the way it was.

We then see Ricca still wearing her hand-me-downs outfit with the same basket she carries on her left arm.

Ricca: The sun feels amazing. Today's weather is perfect! I finished picking herbs pretty early today. The magic of the earth must have returned to normal since the Drain Crystals disappeared.

Ricca then continues to walk down the village road and continues to talk to herself.

Ricca: The village is almost back to how it was, too...The soldiers from the royal capital rebuilt the houses that burned down, and luckily a lot of the villagers had escaped into the mountains when the monsters attacked...

As Ricca continues walking, she then sees a familiar (H/C) in front of her who is looking at the two statues with a smile on their faces.

In front of Ricca, it was none other than her boyfriend, (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N) then sensed Ricca's presence as he turns to her with a smile on his face.

(Y/N): Ah Ricca, you're back!

Ricca: Are you looking at the statues of us?

(Y/N): Yeah. Heh, I feel so proud looking at the statue~

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