Chapter 17: Defeating the God of Sea

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-No One's P.O.V-

Later, everyone was prepping to set sail to the island where the Arch-Lich was located while Claret was also preparing her magic to get you and Ricca underwater to defeat Poseidon.

So right now, you, Ricca, and Iris were sitting at the edge of the docks

Ricca: Is it really okay not to help them prepare the ship...? Claret went back to her home saying she needed to get some tools. We should have gone with her...

(Y/N): I'm sure she'll be doing okay. Claret's smart, she knows how to get the right materials.

Ricca: Okay.

Iris: But you two are going to the bottom of the sea to defeat Poseidon tomorrow. You two need to rest up.

Ricca: We know...but I feel kinda nervous...The curse on my stomach feels like it's throbbing, too...even though you put on the seal on it...

Iris: ...

Ricca: Still, I'm glad...The soldiers said they'll take us to the island and travel with us...and Claret...Heehee...She's so persistent about coming with us...Maybe everyone else will defeat Arch-Lich, even if (Y/N) and I get beaten by him...

Iris: ... (Even an army of mages and town soldiers won't stand a chance against that powerful necromancer...But...) Yes, we're fortunate. If it weren't for their help, we wouldn't be able to get to that island. I guess humans can be useful sometimes. So even if you both lose, I'm sure things will turn out alright. Don't stress about it too much.

(Y/N): No kidding.

Ricca: I'm sorry for being a little negative...we'll do our best tomorrow...

Ricca says, feeling a little down until she notices that you were in deep thoughts.

Ricca: Something the matter, (Y/N)?

(Y/N):'s's just that I had a nightmare before we left for the temple early in the morning.

Iris: Hm? What kind of nightmare?

You paused for a moment before speaking up.

(Y/N): It's about us...failing our mission in different ways we could end up...

Iris and Ricca looked at each other with a bit of concern on their faces.

Ricca: tell us about it...

(Y/N): *Sigh* I'm not sure, but that nightmare I've experienced was haunting. Throughout that nightmare, I saw myself...dead on the floor, brainwashed, tortured alive, and such. While you were there...raped, completely affected by the love crest, turned into a demon, and impregnated by monsters and evil humans. I stood there in horror, it was like cuckoldry and it felt too real to be a nightmare. Seeing your mind-broken face, and screaming my name in a mixture of horror and pleasure.

Iris and Ricca were speechless about your nightmare story.

(Y/N): Our journey has come close to its end, and yet I still fear that one of these nightmares will come true sooner or later.

You said as you clenched your right fist in anger until Ricca gently holds your right hand.

You turn back to Ricca as she gives you a gentle smile on her face and said.

Ricca: We should stay hopeful, (Y/N). I do not want to think about what you just said about your nightmare.

(Y/N): Same here. We've been through a lot in these past two months. I feel like we deserve some peace after we're done dealing with the Arch-Lich.

Ricca: Yeah, me too. And (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hm?

That's when Ricca wraps her arms around you, giving you a hug.

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