chapter 48

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They left the window soon after that, when Pandora announced that she actually did need the bathroom now, and promised to meet him back inside the ballroom. She said nothing more of what Regulus had told her, and he knew without asking that she wouldn't be revealing it to anyone else. Head spinning, he made his way back downstairs. Only to be stopped by Orion at the doors. His expression alone disclosed what Regulus had already suspected; they had stayed away for far too long.

"Where have you been?" he demanded.

"Miss Lestrange has seen little of our family home. I thought it proper to show her around, since she will be staying here over the holiday," Regulus answered.

"During the ball?" Orion sneered.

"We tired of dancing," Regulus replied calmly. "My apologies, Father. We'll return presently."

"No, boy, you will come with me," he ordered. "Now."

They walked in silence to the drawing room, with Orion shutting the door behind him. A long, mahogany table took up the majority of the space, covered on the sides with firmly locked draws, surrounded by chairs and looked over by the bookcases that stood against the walls. Orion remained standing. As did he.

But to his surprise, he was not scolded further. Instead, Orion summoned Kreacher, who appeared between them with a loud crack.

"The ring, Kreacher," Orion snapped.

"Of course, Master," Kreacher whispered.

With another two smart cracks, he returned with a ring in his hand. Silver-banded, with a deep green emerald encrusted in its surface. Orion took it from him and strode forwards.

"Put this on," he told Regulus grimly. "It is be your official engagement ring. You need not wear it at Hogwarts until the betrothal is made public, but for now, you will. It is a symbol of your commitment to protecting your bloodline."

Regulus only hesitated for a split-second, but it was long enough.

"What's the matter, Regulus?" Orion growled. "Are you not pleased that we have found you a bride? Are you not grateful to maintain the purity of our blood?"

Before Regulus could answer, his father's wand was jammed beneath his chin. A familiar bolt of fear streaked through his chest.

"We have given you the benefit of the doubt," Orion spat. "We have allowed you judgement. We have been generous. But it seems none of the good, pure-blooded women we have offered you are sufficient. Why is that?" The tip of the wand began to dig into his skin. "Speak, boy, or—"

"Orion!" Came a stern voice from the now open doorway.

Walburga walked swiftly towards her husband and closed a hand around his wrist. She hissed something in his ear. His parents glared at each other, engaging in a fiercely heated argument with only their eyes. Eventually, Walburga prevailed. With a thunderous look, Orion turned on his heel and stormed out of the room. Walburga turned her gaze on Regulus for the first time. She put a finger under his chin, where the wand tip had rested before, and lowered her head to look him in the eyes. Regulus decided that he much preferred the wand.

"You would not lie to me," she said silkily. "Would you, darling?"

"No, Mother."

Her eyes flashed, but her face remained calm.

"I believe you just did."



Regulus was quiet.

"There is no place for fear under the Dark Lord... I suggest you quell whatever doubts infect your mind, and wear that ring."

It sat cold in his hand. Without a word, he picked it up and slipped it onto his third finger.

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