CHAPTER 3 - A Way Home

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After one last glance around the place, you made your way back to the Pevensies', carefully dodging the place where your mother's body should've been to not see the horrid sight.

"Thank you, Mrs. Pevenise. For the coat," you said after she had hugged you in the train station after she had kissed each of her kids goodbye.

"It's no problem, Dear," she smiled before turning to all five of you again. "All right. Off you go."

All of you obediently took in line, you standing at the very end. It wasn't that you didn't get along with the Pevenises, it was just the fact that events in the past few days had shaken you all.

"May I have your tickets, please? Tickets, please?" A lady asked. Susan agitatedly took the five tickets out of Peter's hand since he was staring into the distance somewhere. "On you go," the lady instructed after she had looked over all the tickets.

"Come on, Lucy, we have to stay together now. Everything will be alright, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine," Peter ushered as they fell behind Susan and Edmund. You patted the head of the girl 3 years younger than you comfortingly. She gave you a tight-lipped sad smile before going on the train.

You watched sadly as they waved to Mrs. Pevensie, knowing that you will probably never have anything like that. Soon though, all of you entered a coupe, where two kids, seemingly the same age as Lucy, were already sitting, and put your stuff up on the shelves before sitting down. You sat next to the two kids next to the door while the Pevensie children occupied the chair in front of you, Edmund sitting under the window, Lucy next to him, Susan next to Lucy and Peter in the seat against you.

You sighed a bit, fiddling with your locket. "What's that?"the girl next to you asked curiously, giving a slight smile. You smiled back friendlily, happy to make some conversation. "It's my locket, it has a compass in it," you popped it open. "So if I ever get lost, I can find my way back home."

The girl's smile widened. "I wish I had one of those. Then I wouldn't fear being alone."

You grinned. "You're never really alone. The people close to you are here," you pointed to her heart. "Even if you are far, far away."

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