CHAPTER 30 - Practice

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You smiled, now looking at her. "I wasn't the calmest either if I recall correctly. As I said - it's alright." Susan nodded at you in a 'thank you' manner before Lucy caught up to you two and started happily talking about whatever.

When you, Susan and Lucy came out of your tent the next morning, you saw Peter looking at something and also turned your gazes that way. A soft smile made its way onto your face while Lucy... well, she had a louder reaction. "Edmund!" she exclaimed and took off running, having to be caught by Peter so she doesn't interrupt Aslan's talk with Edmund too much.

Both Aslan and Edmund glanced towards you and the siblings for a second before going back to what they were talking about. You noticed Peter looked a bit worried and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "He'll be fine," you assured. The boy started smiling slightly as his brother and Your Father walked down the hill and stopped in front of you four.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past," Aslan said before leaving you five to reunite.

Edmund exhaled once, casting his eyes downwards in shame. "Hello," he spoke quietly.

Lucy was the first to go up and hug him. Edmund smiled softly and hugged her back. Susan was next. "Are you alright?" she asked the boy.

"I'm a little tired," Edmund admitted.

"Get some sleep," Peter said, nodding towards a tent. Edmund glanced at him before walking past him. Then, Peter called out to him again. "And, Edmund," the latter turned back for a second. "Try not to wander off."

A bit of time later, all of you were sitting and eating on a blanket, calmly savoring the taste. Well, most of you were doing the latter. "Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed," Lucy commented. Edmund huffed a laugh through his nose.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back," Peter said from beside a stonehill since he had already finished eating.

"We're going home?" Susan asked. You noted that she sounded sad, disappointed even. Which was a bit weird since up until a few days ago, she was desperate to turn back.

"You are," Peter clarified, pushing himself off the stone. You knew he directed it to his siblings, not you. He had talked it over with you and though you said that Susan, Edmund and Lucy wouldn't probably agree to going, he still wanted to try and talk them into it. "I promised mum I'd keep you three safe."

"What about Y/n?" Lucy asked.

"I belong here, Lu," you smiled a bit. "Plus, your mother hasn't adopted me yet hence I'm not Peter's responsibility as of the moment." Peter nodded along.

"I'm also staying behind to help," Peter told his siblings.

"They need us," Lucy said quietly. "All five of us."

"Lucy, it's too dangerous," Peter argued. "You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund spoke up, he sounded a bit uncertain. "I've seen what the White Witch can do." You pursed your lips sadly as your friend talked. "And I've helped her do it," he admitted. "And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

You grinned. You've grown, Edmund, you thought. His siblings also seemed rather proud of him.

"I suppose that's it then," Susan spoke after a few moments of silence and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked, turning his head to look over his shoulder.

Susan picked up her bow and quiver before turning back to you three with a smirk. "To get in some practice."

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