CHAPTER 22 - Edmund

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"There's a prophecy," Mr. Beaver began again [Although it wasn't in the movie, I also added the first (official) part and a part about you]. "

'Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight,

at the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more,

when he bares his teeth, winter meets its death,

and when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.

The princess shall return and bright light will glow.

So when Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne,

the evil time will be over and done.'"

You hummed lightly in thought before Susan spoke. "Y'know that doesn't really rhyme."

"Susan!" you scolded, hitting her shoulder lightly. "I'm sure that's not the point."

"It has long been foretold," Mrs. Beaver took over the explanation, "that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will return with the Princess of Narnia to defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia."

"And you think we're the ones?" Peter asked.

"Well, Y/n's with you, isn't she?" Mr. Beaver asked.

"I think I am," you confirmed.

"Great because Aslan's already waiting with your army!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed again.

"Our army?" Lucy asked, surprised.

Susan turned to Peter. "Mom sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war."

"I still think you've made a mistake," Peter told the beavers. "We're not heroes."

"We're from Finchley!" Susan backed him up. "Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go!"

"Susan!" you raised your voice, making everyone in the room turn to you. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell," you quickly apologized. "But we can't just leave. We have to help Mr. Tumnus in all ways we can-" Peter opened his mouth to reason with you but you continued speaking before he could. "Besides, Edmund's not here either."

That made the oldest Pevensie cast an alarmed look around. He saw the door a bit. "Oh I'm going to kill him," he said exasperatedly.

"You may not have to," Mr. Beaver spoke in a low tone. "Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"

Next thing you know, you found yourself running through the snow until a big evil-looking castle came into view. "Edmund!" Lucy yelled.

"Shhh," Mr. Beaver quickly shushed her. "They'll hear ya!"

Peter started to run towards the castle but you grabbed his sleeve. He turned to you angrily. "Peter, please think," you said before casting a look at the castle. "It's probably a trap. If I was the Witch I'd want everyone dead who could be a danger. And as long as she doesn't have us all, she'll probably keep Edmund alive." He looked at you, conflicted. "Please. Let's go."

The two icy doors closed in the distance. "This is all your fault," Susan started the good ol' blame-game.

"My fault?" Peter, whom the accusation was directed to, asked.

"None of this would've happened if you would've just listened to me in the first place!" she yelled.

You noticed Lucy looking a bit angry as Peter answered. "Oh so you knew this would happen?"

"I didn't know what would happen. Which is why we should've left WHEN WE STILL COULD!"

"STOP IT!" Lucy yelled, interrupting her siblings. "This isn't going to help Edmund."

"Exactly!" Mr. Beaver nodded. "Like Her Highness said before, only Aslan can help your brother now."

"Then take us to Him," Peter said certainly before you all started walking back.

You smiled a bit. "And please just call me Y/n. It feels sort of weird otherwise."

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