CHAPTER 23 - The Fox

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You smiled a bit. "And please just call me Y/n. It feels sort of weird otherwise."

A howl cut through the cold air only a second before Mr. Beaver barged through the door. "Hurry, Mother! They're after us!"

"Oh, right then," the other beaver nodded before going to a cupboard.

"What's she doing?" Peter asked.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later," Mrs. Beaver said. "It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry."

"I'm cranky now!" the said mammal exclaimed.

"I'll help you," you said before taking a few of the things.

Susan followed your actions. "Do you think we'll need jam?" she asked.

"Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter said. Susan glared at her brother whereas you held back a laugh, masking it with an eye roll.

Scratching could be heard behind the walls. "Okay, time's up," you announced. "Where do we go?"

"Here," Mr. Beaver said before opening a secret door in the wall. It was pitch black so you heated your hands up for light before closing the door after you. "Let's go now, we don't have much time."

It was quiet for a few minutes and when you rounded your second corner, the door squeaked open. Luckily, you were ahead enough to stay safe for now but still not enough to be sure they won't catch up.

You all ran like the most delicious breakfast was waiting for you at the end of the tunnel along with lots and lots of presents. Soon enough, you were able to get out of the tunnel and secure it with a barrel, as one does.

After the hole was closed, you all had the time to notice your environment. The ground was littered with little stone statues and one was obviously Mr. Beaver's friend - Badger. "I'm so sorry, Dear," Mrs. Beaver said quietly.

"He was my best mate."

"He still is and will be when he wakes up," you said confidently.

"What happened here?" Peter asked.

"This is what becomes of those who cross the Witch," a threatening voice said. You all gasped and took a step back.

"You take one more step, Traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr. Beaver threatened, having to be held back by his wife so he didn't attack the fox.

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys," he said in a laid-back tone.

"Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones."

"I'd give him a chance, Mr. Beaver," you said before bravely taking a step forward. "It's nice to meet you, can you help us to get away from the wolves? I'm pretty sure they'll be here any minute."

"It'd be an honor, Your Highness. An unfortunate family resemblance is why I look like this but we can talk about breeding later, right now we've got to move," the fox spoke certainly, dipping his head towards you for a second.

A few barks came from somewhere pretty near. "What do you have in mind?" Peter asked, making it clear that the Pevensies also trusted the fox.

The fox's plan went into action and you, the Pevensies, and the beavers managed to climb some trees, getting high enough to not be noticed from the ground. "Greetings, Gents," the fox said boldly to the wolves who had barged through the barrel. "Lost something, are we?"

"Don't patronize me," one, assumably Maugrim, growled. "I know where your loyalties lie. We're looking for some humans."

The fox laughed. "Humans? Here in Narnia? That's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?"

A wolf grabbed the fox's back with its teeth and you had to hold back your powers, which had reacted on instinct to protect the poor guy. "Your reward is your life," Maugrim threatened. "It's not much, but still. Where are the fugitives?"

"North," the fox said painedly. "They ran North."

"Smell them out," Maugrim commanded without a doubt and the wolves disappeared.

A minute later, your feet touched the ground again and you crouched next to the fox. "You have our thanks. What you did was really brave."

"Thank you, Your Highness," the fox nodded gratefully. "Now let's get a camp set up for the night."

Not too long after he said that, you all were sitting around a crackling campfire, listening to what the fox had to tell. "They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before I did." You fiddled with your locker as he spoke, looking thoughtfully at the arrow which seemed to be pointing pretty much in the opposite direction than the wolves went. So, South, you assumed. You looked up as the fox groaned in pain. "Ow! Oh!"

You were about to ask if he was alright but Lucy beat you to it. "I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite," the fox joked. "Ow!"

"Stop squirming!" Mrs. Beaver huffed. "You're worse than Beaver on a bath day."

"Worst day of the year," the latter commented, making the four of you chuckle lightly.

"Thank you for your kindness," the fox said, standing up. "But that's all the cure I have time for."

"You're leaving?" you asked since you had started to like his company.

"It has been a pleasure, Princess, and an honor," he bowed. "But time is short and Your Father Himself has asked me to gather more troops."

The beavers gasped. "You've seen Aslan?" Mr. Beaver inquired.

"What's He like?" Mrs. Beaver asked excitedly.

"Like everything we've ever heard," the fox admitted solemnly. "You'll be glad to have Him by your side in the battle against the Witch."

"But we're not planning on fighting any witch," Susan said firmly.

"But surely, King Peter, the prophecy," the fox said, now turning to Peter right before glancing at you. "And our Princess, soon-to-be High Queen too!"

"We can't go to war without you," Mr. Beaver admitted.

"I don't know about Peter but I'm going," you said firmly. "If that's what it takes."

"You're truly humble, Your Highness," Mrs. Beaver told you admiringly, which you smiled at.

Meanwhile, Susan and Peter exchanged glances which finally made the latter speak up. "We just want our brother back."

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