CHAPTER 18 - He's Gone

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The others seemed to look at you with amazement and honestly, you didn't know how to react to the attention. "Why don't we just go to Mr. Tumnus' now. We can discuss more magic later," you suggested. The others nodded. But with magic, you also remembered your compass and took it out, the arrow pointing into somewhere in the woods. Yet what surprised you was the fact that it wasn't going berserk anymore. Like it had again found something to orientate after.

Lucy sprinted towards the broken door with a worried gasp. "Lucy!" Peter shouted and followed her, the rest of you taking that as a signal to run too. You five arrived in the, now thrashed, cave and a frown made its way onto your face.

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy asked sadly, looking around.

Peter went to take a note from the column in the middle of the room and read: "The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason," he glanced at Susan worriedly, "against Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed, Maugrim, Captain of Secret Police. Long Live the Queen."

You saw a paw print at the bottom of the page. "It must be the wolves we heard," you said quietly.

Susan tore the paper from Peter's hands, also taking it out of your field of vision since you were standing behind Lucy who was next to Peter. "Alright, now we really should go back."

"What about Mr. Tumnus?" you protested, Lucy nodded along.

"He was arrested just for being with a human," Susan said, trying to reason with you two. "There's only so much we can do."

"You don't understand, do you?" Lucy asked frustratedly. "We're the humans, she must've found out he helped us."

You noticed that Edmund was looking a bit weird - guilty, even. "Maybe we could call the police," Peter said.

"These are the police," Susan said back.

"Mr. Tumnus helped us," you decided to speak up. "I think we should at least figure out what exactly happened to him after he was arrested before we decide if we should do something or not."

Peter nodded in agreement. "We'll think of something," he assured, looking to Lucy.

"Why?" Edmund asked.

"What do you mean 'why'?" you immediately shot back. "I'm more than sure we would be dead without Mr. Tumnus."

"But he's a criminal," Edmund tried to argue. Peter, Susan, you and Lucy stared at him judgingly until a bird outside chirped. But you could've sworn you understood what it meant.

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