CHAPTER 15 - Follow The Compass

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Lucy sobbed, running out the door. You finally snapped. "That was too far and you know it! I can't believe you lied! Besides," you stopped at the door, as you planned to follow Lucy, and looked back. "I'm older than you."

You were about to follow Lucy when you felt a little too much warmth charging up in your palms. You huffed out of frustration and changed your walking direction, knowing you had to do something with the warmth now appearing in your hands due to the extreme emotions.

You decided to go to the room where the wardrobe was. And as you neared, you also started feeling the locket warming even more. You took it out from under your shirt and opened it.

The Professor's words echoed in your head. "But maybe try following the arrow." So you decided to do that - the energy from your hands seemed to move onto the locket since the latter had now started glowing more than you had ever seen your hands do. Also, the warmth was leaving your palms.

You entered the room with the wardrobe, the arrow on your compass directly pointing at the wardrobe now. You opened the door and felt a familiar chilly breeze. You started walking towards Narnia, when...

"Y/n! Y/n, come on, we should get some more sleep before the day!" you heard Susan called. Of course, she acted as the mother as of now.

You glanced at the snowy woods, knowing no one would notice if you went but... It could be dangerous to go alone. The White Witch and everything. So with one final glance, you went out of the wardrobe and left the room, the glow in your locket slowly fading.

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