CHAPTER 8 - Magic Land

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You stared at the Professor's back as he left. Some would've called him crazy but you believed him. He seemed... wise, in a way.

Then you remembered the game of hide and seek and hurriedly stood up, exiting the library from another door than what you came in from. And... you found yourself back in the very front room. What's with this house? you thought.

You heard footsteps and turned your head in the direction of the big stairs - Edmund ran up and down them frustratedly before turning into the doorway that led to where your rooms were. Susan soon followed.

What the- you thought before Peter, also, walked across it. "What's going on?" you questioned, making him stop.

Peter sighed. "Lucy thinks she found a magic land in a wardrobe," he said.

"Okay," you frowned. "And what's up with Edmund?"

"I don't know," he answered, pursing his lips. "That's why I'm going after them."

You just stood there as he left, in thought. Lucy wasn't the type to lie so why would she lie with something like this. And speaking of Lucy... There she was, sadly stepping down the stairs.

"Hey, Lu," you greeted, walking to meet her so you could go on together. "I heard what happened."

"You don't believe me, do you?" she asked quietly.

"I have yet to decide that," you chuckled. "After all, there's no reason for you to lie. So why don't you tell me about this magic land?"

Her head snapped up to look at you and her eyes glistened happily as she started to speak. "Well, there was this really nice Faun, Mr. Tumnus. Oh and a lantern post in the middle of the trees that was burning. Mr. Tumnus told me its name is Narnia."

"Narnia?" You couldn't help but ask. "Did Mr. Tumnus call you a daughter of Eve?"

"Yeah... How did- How did you know?" Lucy asked, slowing her walk, not wanting to reach the others yet.

"I think the Professor would believe you," you said, brushing off her question. "I think you should tell him you went there, maybe you could help you with your family."

She stopped completely now. "Why can't you help me?" she asked, making puppy eyes at you.

You smiled softly in response. "Well, this might now sound selfish but first: I don't want to ruin my friendships. Besides, it's not my place to intrude in your family things. Whereas the Professor... he's a grown-up. They'd listen to him more than me anyway."

Lucy nodded understandingly. "I understand. You're only 11 and Peter and Susan are older than you so they might think you're being childish." [Quick note: (though they might not look like it, they canonically are, so) Lucy is 8, Edmund is 10, Susan is 12 and Peter is 13. So I placed you to be 11. Sorry about that if you dislike it... But you are rather mature for your age though because of all the things you've seen in life.]

"Exactly," you smiled and opened the door to the room between the boys' and girls'. "C'mon now."

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