CHAPTER 28 - Deep Magic

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"Is different necessarily a bad thing?" He asked. You smiled in silence, making Your Father chuckle deeply. "Come on, now. There's another talk we have to have today."

"That is Cair Paravel," Aslan told you and Peter, standing on top of a mountain, "the castle of the five thrones. In one of which you will sit, Peter, as High King. And on the other you, Y/n, as High Queen."

You smiled solemnly, looking to the shining castle in the distance. Peter looked down. "You doubt the prophecy?" Aslan asked him.

"No, that's just it," Peter denied. "Aslan, I'm not who you all think I am."

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat."

You grinned at Your Father's words.

"There is a Deep Magic," Aslan spoke again, now talking to both of you, "more powerful than any of us that rules over all of Narnia. It defines right from wrong and governs all our destinies. Yours... and mine."

"But I couldn't even protect my own family," Peter said exasperatedly.

"You brought them safely this far."

"Not all of them," Peter disagreed, also looking into the distance now.

You got an idea and took your spyglass from your belt, raising it to your eye, thinking of Edmund. "Peter," you said quietly, putting it back. "Edmund's alright. Maybe a bit bruised but he's fine."

Peter gave you a slight smile. "Thank you."

"Peter," Aslan spoke again. "I will do what I can to help your brother. But I need you to consider what I ask of you. I, too, want my family safe." You knew He meant both you and all the Narnians.

After a solemn moment of silence, a horn rang through the air. "Susan!" Peter exclaimed before taking off running.

You looked to Your Father, wanting to help also. He nodded. "Go on."

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