Chapter Twelve ~ Old Castles

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After looking up castles all day, for this chapter, it made me REALLY want to go to Ireland!

The fact that I was watching Leap Year while writing most of it probably didn't help the matter either...


Feel free to buy me a plane ticket! :)

Anyways, hoping you guise really like this chapter, I worked hard on it! :)

Enjoy! xx


~Charlotte's POV~

"Have you ever been in love?" I had asked him. I don't know where the question came from, it was the first thing that had popped into my head and the next thing I knew, it was coming out of my mouth.

"No." He had answered. I was actually quite surprised by his answer. He had seen so many girls, yet he had never been in love?

"Me neither." I found myself saying back to him, once again I had no idea why I said that, I guess I felt bad for him.

After a few minutes of silence  and more driving we came upon a huge castle. I put my face up to the window to get a closer look.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "It's huge!"

He turned and smiled at me.

"Yeah, it is pretty amazing." He whispered.

We found a parking spot a few yards or so away, Niall parked the car and the two of us got out.

"What is this place?"

"Knockdrin Castle." He answered.

"It's beautiful."

He started walking up to the castle, I followed closely behind.

"Have you been here before?" I asked.

"Yeah, once before, when I was young, my mum would always take my brother and I here."

"Out of all the castles I've been to, this once is my favorite." He continued.


He turned to me and smiled that lopsided smile of his. "You'll see."

We continued walking up the hill on which the castle sit on. The castle soon loomed in front of us, everything about it was old, but a good old, the incredible, unbelievably, amazing old.

We entered the castle through a large open doorway. The inside was even more incredible, the walls were worn out, the stone floor was too. Right as you entered the castle there was stairwell.

"Wanna go up?" Niall asked turning to me.

I glanced at the stairs.

"Is it safe?" I asked

"Of course, they wouldn't have it open if it wasn't."

I nodded and followed him up the stone staircase.

Soon we were standing on top of a tower that overlooked all of Ireland. You could literally see all of Mullinger from here, even though it was mid-winter everything was still green.

"This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen." I sighed.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool."

I turned to him.

"Thank you, for bringing me here."

He smiled. "Your welcome."

We stood there in silence admiring the view, taking in all the beauty.


~Niall's POV~

   We just stood there in silence, not an awkward kind of silence, but a good kind. Out of the corner of my eye I even caught Charlotte smiling. Her smile, it was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, it could easily light up any room. I even found myself smiling at the thought of it. I had no idea why I was even thinking about her, why was she even on my mind. I shook her out of my head and focused on what I had been wanting to ask her. After thinking about it more, I wanted to know what had happened when I was drunk. If we didn't 'do it' what really did happen? I decided to just go ahead and ask her.

   I turned and began to ask the question, but I stopped myself. Her eyes were now closed, a smile still present, I couldn't help but stare at her, she was definitely not like any other girl I had ever met before. Suddenly her eyes slowly opened, she must've sensed me staring at her. I quickly turned away.

"Ok, I have to know, what happened last night, how much did I embarrass myself?" I asked her.

She turned to me and smirked. "You really wanna know?"

I nodded. She sighed and started filling me in with the details of the events that had gone on last night.

"First you got drunk, then you found a cat, where I have no idea." she paused and chuckled at that part. "You kept tweeting about this cat you found and eventually I decided to go out and look for you, before you got yourself arrested. When I found you, you were in an alleyway hiding behind a dumpster with this cat you named Charlie, supposedly after me. Finally we came home and you insisted we keep the damn cat, and that's why you now have a cat in a cage, in your front yard."

"That's all?" I asked.

She thought for a minute. "Yeah, pretty much."

"The truth?"

She nodded.

I smiled. "I like that name, by the way."

"What name?" She asked.


She groaned.

"I'm gonna start calling you that!"

She gave me a look. "Don't you even think about calling me that!"


"It's a boy name for God's sake!"


She gave me an aggravated look.

"Well, I think it suits you," I added with a cheeky grin.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. I smiled at her expression.


~Charlotte's POV~

     I couldn't even remember the last time someone had called me Charlie, except for last night. My grandma would sometimes call me Charlie, but usually it was either Char or Charlotte. Honestly, I kind of liked it though, it was, I don't know... different. I didn't want to give Niall the satisfaction of giving me a new nickname though, so I pretended the name annoyed me. Turning back to admire the impressive view, I couldn't help but smile, I loved being up here, I loved the feeling it gave me. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked after a few more seconds of silence. I looked at him, sad we had to go, I really did like it up here.

"Yeah," I decided.

    We turned around and made our way down the stone stairwell. Once we got in the car, I realized I was starving. Checking the time on my phone I saw that it was nearly dinner time, well back home it was.

"I'm starving!" Niall murmured as if reading my mind.

"Got any good places to eat here?" I questioned.

Grinning he exclaimed "I know the perfect place!"

He started the car and after only a few minutes of driving we pulled up to this restaurant that looked almost like a mix between a Subway and a McDonald's. I read the sign.



I'll try updating again sometime this week!

Remember to vote, and comment! :)

Love ya! xx


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