Chapter Five ~ Welcome to Ireland

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Sorry this is such a short chapter

Still hope you like it! :)


   The next few days I spent packing. I must've checked that I had everything at least 20 times. Caitlin said it could get pretty cold, so I packed every coat and jacket I owned. I managed to fit everything into one suitcase, barely.

 School had finally let out for break and it had even started snowing. I loved this time of year. It was a week before Christmas and the town was packed with last minute shoppers. Mario's was pretty crowded too, but he assured me he had someone to cover my shifts.

  The night before I left I went to bed early, Caitlin and her mom were coming by to pick me up at 2:30 in the morning! The nearest airport was like an hour and a half away, so we had to get up extra early. I got together any last minute things put an outfit out for the plane ride and hugged my grandma goodbye, since she'd be asleep when I woke up.

"You're going to have so much fun!" she assured me as we said our goodbyes.

"Thank you, grandma!" I smiled.

"For what?" she asked.

"For letting me go!"

She smiled and wrapped me in one last hug.

"Your welcome, now get to bed you have to get up early tomorrow!"

"I love you, grandma." I called and headed off to bed

"I love you too, Charlotte." I heard her answer.


  All too soon, my alarm was going off. It was only 1:30 and I had an hour to shower and get ready. I quickly showered and changed into some comfy sweats, a t-shirt, and some off-brand UGGs. Grabbing my suitcase, purse, coat, scarf, and some toast, I headed out the door to meet Caitlin and her mom.

"Hello Charlotte!" Mrs. James, Caitlin's mom, greeted me.

"Hey!" I answered smiling despite the freezing cold air I was standing in.

    After Mrs. James found out about everything that had happened to me in the foster homes and with my mom, she came all the way to Butler to apologize. I think that's part of the reason they moved here too: guilt. Ever since that happened to me she'd talk to me with pity, after a while though she stopped, I hated it when people felt sorry for me.

"Well get in!" Mrs. James said motioning to the back seat.

I put my suitcase in the truck and climbed into the warm car.

"Hey!" Caitlin greeted me from the passenger seat.

"Hey!" I answered

"Are you as tired as I am?" she asked, yawning.

"YES!!!" I exclaimed

Mrs. James started the car and we were off to the airport. The whole way there we talked about anything and everything.

"" Caitlin started "Charlotte wants to know if your sister has any hot sons!"

"I do not!" I protested

Mrs. James laughed.

"From what I remember, they are pretty cute!"

Caitlin laughed

"Now... don't go falling in love with any of my cousins!" Caitlin lectured wiggling a finger at me.

"Haha don't worry, I won't!" I grinned

Caitlin and I burst into giggles.

After driving a few more miles, we were finally at the airport. Soon we were getting past security and baggage claim, and before we knew it we were in the air on our way to Ireland.

"I'm so excited!" Caitlin exclaimed after a few minutes of being in the air.

"I will be once I get sleep!" I complained.

And with that we fell asleep, and the next thing we knew a flight attendant was waking us up.

"Welcome to Ireland!" she exclaimed once she saw we were all wide awake.


Two chapters in one day! You won't see this again!

I know it was really boring, but the next chapter will be much better I promise! :)


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