Chapter Sixteen ~ Reliving the Past

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~Niall's POV~

   That night I could not sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about Charlotte and our almost kiss. I had to stop thinking about this, it was driving me insane. She was only staying for another week, after that she'd be gone, back in the states where I would probably never see her again. The thought of that brought a small pain to my heart. I'd only known her for what, two days now, and I was already falling for her. I had to stop thinking about her, I decided thinking about something else. Christmas, I could think about Christmas, it was only two days away. Wait.. two days away, Charlotte.. I didn't get a present for Charlotte. I had gotten something for my aunt and cousin, but I had totally forgotten about Charlotte. There was no way I could get anything in time. I couldn't just not get her anything, I'd feel bad, and besides, I kind of wanted to get her something.

  This thought caused me to just think about her more. Dammit. This girl wasn't going to leave my mind, was she? What would she like, anyways? I thought about her personality, I wanted to get her something she'd like and kind of special. I needed help with this.

  I took my phone off the side table and checked the time. 2:34. It was pretty late, but it was urgent. I went to my contacts and scrolled through it until I found his name, which in my contacts was 'Hazza.' Harry always seemed to be good with the ladies, I knew he'd be able to help me, at least a little.

After the fourth ring a sleepy Harry answered the phone.

"Niall, lad what do you want?!" He asked in a sleepy, but angry tone.

"Harry I need your help mate!"

"What could you possibly need my help with at this ho-" He started, but paused. "Oh God, please tell me its not-"

"Oh my God Harry, no! You are so perverted!"

He chuckled. "Thank God it's not that."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok, so there's this girl, and I kind of don't have a Christmas present for her.."

"And you don't know what to get her?" He finished for me.


There was a short pause.

"Well, what does she like?"

"That's the thing, I don't know."

"Ok, well, what's she like?" He asks.

I thought for a minute.

"Well, she's really pretty, she's got this lovely laugh, it's like contagious, she's really sweet too, she's quite laid back, like nothing really bothers her, and then she has this beautiful smile that always lights up her face, and-" I paused, wondering what this had to do with anything. "What does this even have to do with anything?" I asked him.

He laughed. "Nothing, but, you are so in loooove with her."

I found myself rolling my eyes again at him.

Suddenly someone screamed, was that Charlotte? I froze.

"Niall, what was that?" Harry asks, before I rush to where the scream came from.


  I quietly open her door, where I find her sitting up in bed, gasping for air, a terrified look on her face. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are red from crying. I do the first thing that comes to my mind.

My Best Friend's Cousin ~ One Direction Fanfic {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now