Chapter Twenty One ~ This Might Work

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I forgot how much I love writing this story!

I'm actually going to be quite sad when this story is finished too.

But, I'm also happy for the end, I know for sure there will be an epilogue.

I love when books have epilogues, books with epilogues make my life.

Enjoy! :)


~Charlotte's POV~

When I asked Niall what he was thinking about I didn't expect him to say, "you." When I had taken my gaze off of the ocean ahead of us, and looked up at him he seemed so lost in thought, I was just curious. He hesitated before he said, "you," my stomach started doing flips as I looked into his sparkling blue orbs that matched the color of the sea below us. I suddenly didn't really need the coat, I could feel myself blushing, I have to look away. This should've never happened, in a few days we'll never see each other again and we'll be forced to forget each other. I've never felt this way about someone before, how I felt about Ryan will never compare to the feelings I have for Niall. When he pulled me close and wrapped his coat around me and then his arm, I felt safe and began to think about kissing him.

"Charlotte," Niall says, cupping my face in his hand, forcing me to look up at him. I try not to look at his lips which will only lead me to thinking about kissing him.

"I know we'll probably never see each other after next week, but, Charlotte, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Your eyes, I could get lost in them for hours, your hair, your face, God, you're so beautiful Charlotte. You can't tell me you haven't felt anything either, every time I'm near you I want to kiss you so badly. And your laugh, I love your laugh, I would do anything to see you laugh, I've never felt this way about anyone before and maybe we should give us a chance, if it doesn't work out after New Year's we can go home like nothing ever happened and we won't have to see each other ever again. I can't-"

I interrupt him by kissing him, which was the last thing I had expected I'd do. I think it surprised him too, but he doesn't do anything to stop it, before we get to far, I pull my lips away gently.

"I like you too, Niall." I admit. "Maybe we should give this a chance." He smiles and leans down and gently kisses me, I close my eyes getting lost in the kiss and smile into his lips as he deepens it. In that moment I wish I could stay like this forever, him kissing me with his arms protectively around me, it just feels so right and so... perfect. For once in my life everything feels perfect, this feeling is so foreign to me, I just want it to last forever, I want us to last forever.

I realize if we do this, I might fall deeper in love with him, after this I might never want to leave, but then again maybe it won't work out , which is all I can hope for, I'm going to regret this is all I can think about. Suddenly Niall's lips pull away from mine, he stays close though, I can feel his warm breath on my lips as he gazes into my eyes.

"You have know idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He smiles. I return his smile and then our lips are connected again, and once again I'm able to forget everything.


After another hour or so sitting on the cliffs, being wrapped in Niall's arms, which felt so good, we make our way back to the house, no ones home, I peek into Caitlin's room, to my surprise she's gone too. I walk back into the kitchen where Niall is studying a note.

"No one's home," I announce.

"And won't be until 8 tonight." He adds. I glance at the clock in the kitchen which reads 2:34.

"What should we do?" I wonder aloud.

"I've got a few ideas." Niall says with a smirk. I playfully shove him, laughing.

"I'm kidding," He laughs. "But, I am hungry."

"I'll make something," I volunteer after hearing my stomach growl.


"Yeah, I can make you my grandma's chocolate chip cookies."

"I'll help!" He declares. We begin to take the ingredients out of the cabinets. We take turns pouring in the ingredients, Niall pours the flour into a measuring cup, but ends up getting more on himself than in the cup. I laugh, and suddenly I feel flour on my shirt. I gasp and its Niall's turn to laugh. I put my hand in the bag of flour and take a handful of flour out and throw it at Niall, he does the same thing.

I can't help but laughing. I grab the bag of flour and run to the other side of the kitchen behind a wooden table. "Hey! That's not fair!" Niall yells trying not to laugh. He goes around one side of the table and I run the other, he quickly turns around and pulls me into his arms.

"I got you!" He yells. I put my one free arm in the bag of flour and swipe my finger in the white substance, I bring it out and wipe the flour on his nose.

"You got something on your nose." I say giggling. Before I can protect the bag of flour he puts his hand in it and wipes it across my cheek.

"And you got something on your cheek." He laughs. I cup his face in my hands and kiss the spot on his nose where the flour was.

"Now you have to get rid of mine." I giggle. He leans down and kisses my cheek a few times until he claims its all gone. I scan the kitchen looking at the mess we've made.

"They're gonna kill us!"

"Unless they don't know." He winks, making my stomach do somersaults. As he cleans up the flour, I finish making the cookies. While we wait for them to bake he tells me funny stories about Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn.

"You'd love them." He concludes, after telling me a story about Louis walking in on Harry and a girl making out one time. Suddenly the timer beeps and I walk over to the oven and take out the cookies. I place them on the counter where Niall is now sitting on top of. I hand him a warm cookie, then take one for myself and join him on top of the counter. I bite into the soft cookies, the chocolate chips melting in my mouth.

"These are amazing!" Niall says with a mouthful of cookie, I giggle.

"Every Christmas my grandma and I make them for some of her neighbors."

"Have you called your grandma since you got here?" He asks.

"Yeah, a few times." I say, "I told her about you and she wants to meet you." I add remembering the words my grandma had told me the other night on the phone. I don't tell him the part where she told me to always use protection, then I had to tell her that Niall and I weren't having sex, but that didn't stop her from going one an on about how I'm too young to get pregnant, especially with one of the most popular singers in the world.

He smiles. "You say that like we might actually have a future." More than anything in the world right then I think we actually could have a future together. Images of us getting married, having kids, and growing old together flash through my head.

I begin to say something, but Niall puts a finger to my lips. "Don't say anything, I'm sorry for bringing it up." I sigh, not realizing I'd been holding it in.

"I'll always be here for you Charlotte, whether we're dating or not, just remember that."

"Thanks." I mumble. I don't deserve this, I think to myself. Suddenly Niall yawns, and he hops off of the counter.

"I'm tired, I think I'm going to take a nap before dinner." He looks so hot when he's tired. I shake that thought out of my head.

"See you at dinner." I say back.

"Thanks for the cookies!" He calls and then I hear the sound of a door slamming shut.

"Your welcome." I whisper.

"I love you." I add in another quiet whisper.


Big changes will be coming in the next few chapters!

Lots more Chiall to come! (Sorry for the terrible ship name)

Feel free to comment any other ship names! :)


My Best Friend's Cousin ~ One Direction Fanfic {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now