Chapter Eight ~ With Love

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Okkkk so here's Chapter 8!!!

It will start getting good, I know I keep saying that but it's true! :D

So here it is!

Enjoy! :)


~Charlotte's POV~

"Sooo..." Niall's mom started "sleeping arrangements."

Oh God.

"Soo Caitlin, you and Charlotte can take the guest bedroom, Kelly, you can have Greg's room until he comes home."

In all my years of knowing Caitlin's mom, I had never known her name was Kelly. Yeah, I know, random thought.

All of a sudden Niall got up from the table, headed to the kitchen and then a few moments later, I heard a door slam. Goodnight to you too, I thought.

"Come on, girls, I'll show you your room." Niall's mom said, motioning for Caitlin and I to follow her.

Caitlin and I got up from our seats and followed her to a spacious bedroom, right next to Niall's room. Imagine that! This was going to be a long night.

"Hey, i'm not feeling too good, I think i'm gonna..." Caitlin suddenly covered her mouth and fled to the bathroom across the hall.

"Oh no! I hope she's ok!" Niall's mom exclaimed.

"I'll go check on her." I volunteer.

She nods.

I walk across the hall to the closed bathroom door.

I quietly knock on the door. "Caitlin are you ok?" I calmly ask.

I hear her mutter something to herself.

"Yeah, I think I'm go-... BBBBLLLLLEEEEEEHHHHHH!" I don't listen to that last part. EW!

I leave the door to head back to our room, don't need to listen to the wonderful sound of puking all night.

Right as I turn to head back to my new room, Niall comes out into the, might I mention, very narrow hallway. Since the hallway is so narrow, we are only centimeters apart. Great.

I find myself looking up into those sparkling sea blue eyes. He holds my gaze for a minute. Just a minute, though and I find myself wanting to get lost into his deep blue eyes. I had to stop this I had butterflies in my stomach now! Wait... since when did I get butterflies?!

"Is she ok?" he asks nodding towards the closed bathroom door.

"Aaaaa... yeah... how did you-?

"Thin walls." he smirked


"Well... uuuhhh... I gotta go." "See ya!" he said brushing past me.

I soon heard the front door close with a thud and found myself very confused.

No boy had ever given me butterflies, so why was he any different? My grandma always said butterflies were a sure sign of love.

Oh God.

I stood there, frozen in the place where we had been just centimeters apart a few seconds earlier. I finally cam to the conclusion that it was probably just my hormones going crazy or something. Getting up the nerve, I walked back into the guest room, where Niall's mom was making the queen sized bed located in the middle of the room, up against the back wall. The room was really cute, in a cottage-like way, the walls were just a plain creme color, a few colorful pictures occupied the walls, to complete the room were hardwood floors, matching the floors throughout the whole house. Aside from the bed, there was two nightstands on each side of the bed, a drawer, desk, and a pretty big closet with nothing in it, except a few hangers.

"Was that Niall?" His mom asked me when I entered the room.

"Yup!" I answered as cheerfully as possible.

"Probably off to get drunk again." She sighed, but then smiled and started chuckling.

I gave her a questioning look.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"What?" I asked, before breaking into a smile. I always seemed to smile when people gave me those questioning looks.

"You'd be so cute together!" she said returning my grin.

"Me and Niall?!"

"Yes you and Niall!"

"Why me?" My eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Because your beautiful and very sweet." She exclaimed, her hands now on my shoulders, her eyes searching mine.

"And I'm not just saying that!" She added.

"Besides... he already likes you." she whispered, then went back to making the bed leaving me to my thoughts.

"Wait... how do you know he likes m-...?"

"I've seen the way he looks at you." She went on.

"How does he look at me?" I stammered, almost not wanting to know the answer. Almost.

"With love, dear" She calmly said looking me in the eye, once again. She then broke into a huge grin.

Looks like I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight.


~Niall's POV~

  The good thing about Ireland is that there are pubs almost everywhere you turn! Even in the middle of nowhere! Every Christmas we'd usually go out to a local pub just a few miles away from our house. This year, though, we'd be staying home.

  I usually went every Friday night, when I was home that is, a few of the lads and I would go and get so wasted we'd barely be able to get home, I still don't know how we managed to not get pulled over. Now that I thought of all those times, a small smile would spread across my face. Good times. I missed those memories, but I would never trade being in One Direction just to go back to them.

  My thoughts of being in the band were interrupted when I reached the door of my favorite pub in all of West Meath, Grennans Bar. I sat down at the bar and ordered a few drinks, that's when everything went down hill...



I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I've been so busy lately, I'm gonna try posting a little bit more, I promise I will NEVER do that again!

Not a huge fan of this chapter, especially Niall's POV....

The next chapter is REALLY GOOD though! :)

Get ready for THE BEST CHAPTER YOU'VE EVER READ!!!!! ...I mean it too... ;)


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